Good Day, Kennedy is Staying, Threats Can Help

Hello all, I hope you are having a great Monday!  At least it's mostly over.  So my day went good, I made it to the gym today and I tried to work on my legs a lot today since I have been having trouble standing up since I woke up today.  Of course, my sleep has not gotten much better, not sure what to do now.  I am no longer taking any Zzzquil, only the trazadone at night.  It has been a few weeks or so since I stopped taking the Zzzquil and have not experienced any withdrawls like what people tell me I should be going through.  Guess that's a good thing.  So I will have to work to figure this out, the other day I did not wake up until 10 am.  Now I am writing this post as the Kansas City Chiefs play on Monday night football, just wanting to let you all know that I do not script my posts on here.  I do for my history blog and I just wrote a good post, I think.  To get there the website is  The last post is a top 5 list of the most obscure wars.  I know, it's a little long but I think it works good.  So anyway, let me get into the good stuff.

Star Wars Day!  Recently Kathleen Kennedy has been reupped for another 3 years to be head of the Star Wars Universe.  Myself am upset about this but maybe she will turn it around and start listening to the Star Wars Fans, who are more important than you and your agenda, they literally pay your bills.  There have even been rumors of fans that are leaving the fandom because of Kennedy coming back.  Even though I am a little upset, I am not going to leave the fandom because of this decision but I will probably be more suspect of anything new, at least movie wise.  I am not really sure how much input she has on television stuff.  Like I have already said before, I do not like the look of this new animated show called Resistance, which I think is starting soon.  I do like that the Clone Wars is coming back to finish up and as long as the animation looks close to the same as before then you will be fine.  I guess we will have to wait to see what happens, just hope that Disney is making the right decision.  Here is an article talking about this;

As I had talked about before, the tariff threat was just that, a threat.  They were never meant to be instituted against anyone, much less Canada and Mexico.  See what they did recently, they brought both countries to the table to work out a new deal, getting rid of NAFTA, which was not good for the American economy.  I am glad that we are getting rid of NAFTA, I never liked it even when it was first implemented in the mid 90's.  Even though I did not understand as much back then I would listen to my grandfather and father talk about this and how bad it would be for the American workers.  I am going to quote this article I will add later, I will add two different ones; "Between 1994 and 2010 the U.S. trade deficits with Mexico totaled $97.2 Billion.  In the same period, 682,900 U.S. jobs went to Mexico".  Losing all those jobs was hard on a lot of small towns in America because it ripped jobs away from those citizens, who were no longer able to help themselves or their families.  This new agreement will help all the countries involved and I applaud it.  Here are those two articles;

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you reading this has a great day or night, take care!


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