Sleepy Day, Socialist Wins!, Lucasfilm Direction, Light Side

Hey there everyone, I am back.  Sorry but I had to go to bed early last night, my sleep schedule has been a little messed up lately.  Recently, in the past few weeks, I had been waking up around 5 am no matter what time I went to sleep.  Wednsday night I went to go lay down around 9:30 pm but after taking my night pills I just could not get to sleep.  I finally went to sleep around 2 am and got up around 7 am.  So that didn't leave me feeling very refreshed so I went to bed pretty early last night and did not do any writing.  I went to sleep pretty fast last night but slept until about 8 am, which is a little later for me.  I hope that I can get some good sleep and wake up around 5 am again, so I can go out and do some Uber rides before it gets too hot.  The heat index was up a lot today, I think the hottest it got was 110 degrees.  I have stayed home all day and just a little bit ago I turned on my air, my apartment stays cool pretty well.  Otherwise, my day has gone pretty well, just annoyed at the people setting off fireworks close by.  I live far enough east of Columbia that I am pretty much outside city limits.  I know a lot of other cities are like this but the city limits map for Columbia is pretty crazy.  Right down the road to the east of my place is a bar you can actually smoke in since it is outside of city limits.  Because so many years ago they passed a law that you cannot smoke indoors at any business in city limits.  I think that is dumb, but I am just a tax paying citizen, what do I know.  Ok, let me get on into it.

Quite a few people are talking about this, that we should be on the lookout for socialist, they are getting elected into our theaters of politics.  I am very against socialism but there are a few things I do not mind that they do.  I can sit down and debate a socialist, which I have done before when I was in college.  A few are saying that this is the democrats "Tea Party" and they will represent the younger portion of the party.  First, if that is where the democrats want to go, then they will lose more nationally but the socialist will win a few seats here and there.  I am not worried that we may elect a socialist president anytime soon.  If that ever did happen, I hope I am not around to see it.  I am reading an article that talks about this and I am surprised that Nancy Pelosi came out and basically said that we should not get our hopes up and that this was the feeling of only one district.  I believe that she will come out later on and give support for this group while saying, I have always been on your side, or something like that, it's just how she works.  The article talks about the group that helped her to victory, the DSA or Democratic Socialist of America.  This DSA was formed in the early 80's but there have been socialist candidates for a long time in American politics, even socialists that ran for president.  Thankfully they did not win back then.  I do not think this will amount to much but we will see I guess, I do wish this lady good luck in her endeavors.  Here is that article; well, actually I lost the article but I will attach another one;

So, I have spoken about this before but I am thinking that Kathleen Kennedy's time is coming up at Lucasfilm and she will probably be gone after Episode IX comes out.  Now there has been a theory going around in Hollywood that Kevin Fiege will take over at Lucasfilm.  This is not going to happen for a lot of reasons, first is that Kevin is very happy at Marvel and will not leave that job until he is kicked out or he retires.  I think they will hire in house when Kennedy leaves, someone like Pablo Hidalgo should probably take over.  He is the head of the tv division and works a lot with the story group.  Episode IX comes out December 2019, so we have some time before this all happens.

So I was reading an article from one of my favorite sites called Listverse, they are a top 10 list site but sometimes they do things a little different.  The page I have pulled up is called; 10 Presidential Conspiracy Theories, it is fun and informative.  This should not be a site that you get primary research on but it can help lead you in the right direction.  I was a little familair with most of these but one I did not know about, it was called Thomas Jefferson and Colds.  Jefferson liked to tell people that he always avoids getting a cold, like the normal common cold that people got at least once a year.  I will not spoil the list but it is pretty neat but doing what he did every night before bed should have probably killed someone in that time.  One of the more "popular" ones has to do with the Clintons' and their supposed body count.  Nothing has been proven either way really but it has been suggested that Bill and/or Hilary had people killed before those said people would run to the press to expose the Clintons.  I do not think this one is as far fetched as some conspiracy theories and the documentaries on this subject are very convincing.  Watch them and see what you think.  Here is that article;

I want to end this on a lighter note, maybe get a chuckle from someone out there.  So anyway, my cousin and friend Brandon, who is a pretty good size guy, is almost scared to hear the sound of knives being sharpened.  This man is also terrified of snakes, no matter the size.  Anyways, he brings his knives to my place so I can sharpen them for him.  Also, his wife is just as bad with the whole sharpening thing.  It makes me laugh every time.

Well, that is all for tonight.  I really hope all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!


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