Boring Day, Sexy Hold Up, Bison Hits Back, Weed Legal?

Hey everyone, hope you are well today!  My day has been slow, at least for Uber but otherwise it was alright.  I did get two rides although one of them were canceled.  The one ride I did complete did not go all that well, because I missed a turn off for her destination.  So I was just glad for that ride to end.  Otherwise I just did some things around the apartment, did some work on my Vikings book that is alternate history and it is an alternate history subject that is not touched on much. So hopefully it turns out well.  Before I start I wanted to let you all know that I will probably not be writing tomorrow, at least not on this blog.  I have a garage sale at my cousins so I am sure I will be wore out after that.  Now, let me get into it.

I am going to start this off with a story that is a little different.  A woman walks into a bank in Alabama to rob it, not unheard of, hands a note to the teller to get money out of the vault, not unheard of, the note also said that if he did the act then she would perform a sexual favor for him but if he refused then she would claim that he sexually assaulted her, that is unheard of.  I have never heard anything like this before and cannot believe the stones on this woman to pull something like this off.  She only asked for $6,000 and I guess the man did not find her attractive because 911 was called and then she was promptly arrested.  Did she really think that it would go any other way?  Now, I think the #metoo movement should speak out about this, that here is a woman saying she would falsely claim a man had assaulted her to get her way.  Of course they won't come out because most of the women in the movement are hardcore liberals and do not operate on common sense. 

Here is something else I ran across that deals with not having common sense.  Yellowstone, which is a really nice park, is home to many Bison and people love to see them.  One person recently wanted to see one worse than most of us, she was actually gored by the bison.  Now, this is natural for the bison and I am sure there are all kinds of signs saying not to get too close and take a photo.  I guess this woman does not have much common sense, I would think that most of us would not get close enough to that animal, because we have common sense.  There are really good vidoes or photos of bison online, that is enough for me, don't know about you.  Hope this woman learned her lesson.

From recent reports or sayings of the president on this, he might go light on marijuana, legally as least.  I think this is very smart and works well with my common sense theme today.  There are people that are busted with some weed and they are put in jail or prison for a very long time, some for life.  There are a lot worse crimes out there you can do than have a little weed on you so I think we should start cracking down more on things like murder, rape, child sex trafficking, you know, things like that.  The least he could do is to decriminalize certain amounts of weed, that would help our prison systems.

Well, I am ready for bed.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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