Good Day, Marvel News About Fox

Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great today.  So my day went pretty good, I did a little Uber since it is nicer out but now it's raining pretty good, we need that stuff.  Last I looked we were six inches down before this little system is hitting us.  I did a lot of research on some topics for alternate history projects I am working on right now, just gotta remember that you can always do too much research.  Another person who does alternate history stuff said that on Twitter today and I thanked him for the advice.  So tomorrow I am just going to work on my book, at least for a few hours, no need to overdue it.  I am going to change some things around but keep a few elements in there from before.  Can't wait to share it with people and see what happens.  Don't worry, I will keep all of you in the loop.  Let me get into it.

Marvel Day!  Well, Disney has upped the offer for Fox to 71.3 or 73.1 billion, I am hearing different numbers, but Fox has come out and said this is the offer they want but will entertain other offers.  That is just legal speak though, so I would not read much into that.  I am really wanting this to happen so bad, it sucks that it takes so long to go through the courts and the government, nothing they do would qualify as quick.  But the biggest reasons I want this to go through is so Disney, which owns Marvel, would have the rights to the X-Men and maybe Fantastic Four; also because Disney would get the rights to distribute Star Wars: A New Hope or Episode I, because they own Lucasfilm, this has been a big contention for Disney since they bought out George Lucas.  Both of those would be huge and help Disney become the best at most everything movie, even if a movie or two do not make much money.  Infinity War has already made over $2 billion, close to Episode VII.  I think it will overtake that very soon, such a good movie.  I hope this happens sooner rather than later.

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I hope you all have a wonderful night or day, take care!


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