Good Weekend, Jobs Numbers Good, Law Abiding Citizen, Just Deadbeat

Hey all, I am back.  Hope things are going great for you all.  So, my day or weekend, it has been good.  Yesterday I got some good rest and did not do much and today I did not do a whole lot either but tried to make some money.  Uber has been so slow and did not make hardly any money this whole week, maybe it will pick up soon but don't expect it to until the kids come back for college in August.  And then there is football season, which I have been told is so busy around here.  Next week, as I have told myself, I will start going back to the gym on a regular basis.  I will try to wake up a little earlier tomorrow and get out the door much sooner than I have lately, which has been around noon or so, try to be more productive.  I did have to go to the office today because I had a few problems, first one was that my dishwasher was leaking while running and the second one was that I found a 6 inch centipede come out of my kitchen sink.  I was able to get the centipede down the drain and poured hot water and bleach down the drain to help kill things but I think something else needs done because there are ants everywhere, they even came and sprayed a few weeks ago.  So anyway, let me get to it.

So, not sure if you have noticed but the jobs numbers are looking pretty good.  I am referring to the number of new jobs in America along with the number of unemployment claims accepted.  We added 223,000 jobs in the last month, the unemployment numbers are as good as they have been for a very long time and earnings are even up, even if just a little bit.  Also, the unemployment numbers for blacks is down to 5.9, the lowest it has ever been in American history.  I think all of that is good news, but the liberal media wants to paint the current administration as horrible people, hardly people at all but an almost demon type.  It is disgusting to see the media do this, even some people on Fox news are against the president.  Now, I am not saying that I am a big fan of President Trump but what I am saying is, that he is doing some good in our country, please notice that. 

I want to say something because of that last paragraph.  I am conservative, almost a libertarian and I am a law abiding citizen, the silent majority of Americans.  I support however is the President of this greatest country on Earth, no matter the person.  For 8 years I was against President Obama but I still supported him when he did good things but I think he did more bad things than good while in office.  I am not a supporter of this president in the sense that I think he cannot do any wrong, he has done plenty wrong since he was in the public eye but I will laud him when he does something good.  The unemployment numbers are the best we have seen since 2000, just before the dot com burst.  For a recovering economy I think this is a wonderful thing.  So that is my stance on what is happening.  Take it for what you will.

Here is some more good news to go with your Sunday.  You remember that 30 year old that was kicked out of his parents house by a judge?  He is in the news again, this time for owing thousands in back child support.  I did not know this when I talked about this case a while ago but I guess he has a child and did not pay child support, that was, I think the reason for him staying at his parents without a job.  This guy is deadbeat in almost every sense of the word and I hope for his sake he grows up fast to make things right, especially for that kid.

Well, I think I am done for tonight.  I hope all of you have a wonderful night or day, take care!


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