Very Painful Day, Stupid Judge, Columbus Day
Hello all, I am sorry and I really wanted to write last night but got busy watching my Tigers get beat by the Kentucky Wildcats. My Tigers did much better but not good enough to win. Next week we play the Georgia Bulldogs and am kinda worried how bad that game could turn out for us. At least we are going to Georgia for the game and will not be home. Next home game is the one after Georgia against Idaho for homecoming. Hope we can at least win that one. Otherwise, my day has been alright except for my pain. There has been a few times today where my mouth was on fire on the left side. And of course this had to happen while I was not at home and not close to either my pain meds or the Orajel I have been using. It is better now but will flare up again later. My pain level has hit a 10 a few times today but is staying at an 8.5.
Ok, here is an article I just ran across that I would like to speak on, now I do not have all the facts of this case but wanted to mention it here so you all can discuss this. The title of the article reads; 'Man Who Raped 12 Year Old Awarded Joint Custody Of Her Child'. Now I thought that was bonkers so I read a little and it made me a lot more mad that a judge would award this piece of s#$t anything, let alone rights to see this child. Apparently this woman, who was 12 at the time of the rape, had gotten pregnant and gave birth to a little boy. Now this terrible man, who raped a minor and has other sexual crimes against minors, is given joint custody, that is beyond insane and I do not care if he is the father or not, and he is unfortunately. From what I have read in the article he has not been a good person for a very long time so why is he given rights when he should be locked up for life for what he has done. The name of the judge in this case is Gregory S. Ross and I do not think he should be judging any cases after this idiotic stance. Here is the link if you would like to read;
So, tomorrow is Columbus Day and I know that is a big thing for Italians but do not forget that Columbus never set foot on the continent of what would become North America. He did touch down in South America though. The first known Europeans to set foot in North America would have been the group known as the Vikings, or Leif Errikson more specifically. South Dakota celebrates the day as Native American Day, I guess the thinking that those here first are more worth celebrating a day for than Columbus, who did bring smallpox and other diseases that wiped out around 70% or so of the native population of the Americas. Since diseases spread exponentially, it is assumed to have killed far more than that. Well, no matter what you or who you celebrate tomorrow, just be happy that you have another day to live, have fun.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am getting ready to watch my Chiefs take on the Redskins. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!
Ok, here is an article I just ran across that I would like to speak on, now I do not have all the facts of this case but wanted to mention it here so you all can discuss this. The title of the article reads; 'Man Who Raped 12 Year Old Awarded Joint Custody Of Her Child'. Now I thought that was bonkers so I read a little and it made me a lot more mad that a judge would award this piece of s#$t anything, let alone rights to see this child. Apparently this woman, who was 12 at the time of the rape, had gotten pregnant and gave birth to a little boy. Now this terrible man, who raped a minor and has other sexual crimes against minors, is given joint custody, that is beyond insane and I do not care if he is the father or not, and he is unfortunately. From what I have read in the article he has not been a good person for a very long time so why is he given rights when he should be locked up for life for what he has done. The name of the judge in this case is Gregory S. Ross and I do not think he should be judging any cases after this idiotic stance. Here is the link if you would like to read;
So, tomorrow is Columbus Day and I know that is a big thing for Italians but do not forget that Columbus never set foot on the continent of what would become North America. He did touch down in South America though. The first known Europeans to set foot in North America would have been the group known as the Vikings, or Leif Errikson more specifically. South Dakota celebrates the day as Native American Day, I guess the thinking that those here first are more worth celebrating a day for than Columbus, who did bring smallpox and other diseases that wiped out around 70% or so of the native population of the Americas. Since diseases spread exponentially, it is assumed to have killed far more than that. Well, no matter what you or who you celebrate tomorrow, just be happy that you have another day to live, have fun.
Well, that is all for tonight, I am getting ready to watch my Chiefs take on the Redskins. I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!