Painful Good Day, Water Fights, Merry Christmas Is Back
Hello there, hope you all are fabulous. My day is going pretty good, pain is staying about the same as yesterday, at a 9.3 level. Before when I have had tooth pain, it just seems to go away without me going to a dentist or a tooth falling out. My teeth are bad but it is from taking steroids for 28 years now, steroids are bad for your bones but the teeth are the ones that are hit by it the worst. Everything looked good from my last bone scan, probably should get another one in a few years but not too worried about that. I do not want to go to see a dentist since I do not have any dental insurance at this time and they are very expensive. So I will just let it run its course, just like a virus, of course if it gets too bad I will need to go see a dentist. One time I was eating donuts and talking with my housemate and a tooth fell out, did not know that donuts are that hard of a food. Well, on to my thoughts for today.
One thing that is on my mind has to deal with tensions between countries and what causes those tensions, and sometimes it is not what you would think. Now I am a big fan of geography so I know a little about this subject but there are obviously people with a much better grasp on these sort of issues. No matter my level of education in geography, I am still going to talk about stuff. OK, let us start with the most known conflict; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Most people would say that it is all about religion and you would not be totally wrong but the biggest problem of that area is the access to freshwater. Water is a very important substance in our lives for many reason, mostly if we do not consume enough water then we will die within a few days. Usually if you do not have anything to drink within 3 days you will die, some people have been known to live a little longer though but I would not push this. Anyway, the water situation is at the heart of the conflict because it is something we all need. The higher ups in the terrorist organizations know this but say it is the religious aspect to get people to join that are unfortunately exploited, those are the ones used as murder bombers, I refuse to use the term "suicide bomber" since they are not just killing themselves and know what they were doing. Another hotspot for this water conflict is in China and is the main reason why they have taken over Tibet, most all of the water that goes into their two biggest rivers are sourced in Tibet, high in the mountains. Most people refer this conflict as a religious issue also but only on the surface. The real reason China controls Tibet is because of the H2O. Just wanted to throw this stuff in for today.
Something I ran across today but did not read the whole text of was that President Donald Trump wants to bring back Christmas, meaning that he will call it Christmas and not things such as Seasons Greetings. This will be a good change away from the PC culture that has griped this country. People were no longer willing to say Merry Christmas because it might offend someone of a different faith. I do not describe myself as any faith, be it Christian or Jewish or anything but I still say Christmas. Some people just let too much bother them, remember the old saying; 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me', guess that just doesn't apply anymore. Good job President Trump, one thing I like that you did.
Well, that is all for me. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!
One thing that is on my mind has to deal with tensions between countries and what causes those tensions, and sometimes it is not what you would think. Now I am a big fan of geography so I know a little about this subject but there are obviously people with a much better grasp on these sort of issues. No matter my level of education in geography, I am still going to talk about stuff. OK, let us start with the most known conflict; the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Most people would say that it is all about religion and you would not be totally wrong but the biggest problem of that area is the access to freshwater. Water is a very important substance in our lives for many reason, mostly if we do not consume enough water then we will die within a few days. Usually if you do not have anything to drink within 3 days you will die, some people have been known to live a little longer though but I would not push this. Anyway, the water situation is at the heart of the conflict because it is something we all need. The higher ups in the terrorist organizations know this but say it is the religious aspect to get people to join that are unfortunately exploited, those are the ones used as murder bombers, I refuse to use the term "suicide bomber" since they are not just killing themselves and know what they were doing. Another hotspot for this water conflict is in China and is the main reason why they have taken over Tibet, most all of the water that goes into their two biggest rivers are sourced in Tibet, high in the mountains. Most people refer this conflict as a religious issue also but only on the surface. The real reason China controls Tibet is because of the H2O. Just wanted to throw this stuff in for today.
Something I ran across today but did not read the whole text of was that President Donald Trump wants to bring back Christmas, meaning that he will call it Christmas and not things such as Seasons Greetings. This will be a good change away from the PC culture that has griped this country. People were no longer willing to say Merry Christmas because it might offend someone of a different faith. I do not describe myself as any faith, be it Christian or Jewish or anything but I still say Christmas. Some people just let too much bother them, remember the old saying; 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me', guess that just doesn't apply anymore. Good job President Trump, one thing I like that you did.
Well, that is all for me. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!