Hello everyone, I hope you all are well. It has been an alright day for me I guess, have not done a whole lot. This morning I did some cleaning, ran the vacuum cleaner, which is a lot harder once you are in a wheelchair. I had to have burned more than 50 calories. Tried to take a nap but all I did was lay in the bed for about 2 hours with my eyes closed, just never could fall asleep. It felt good anyway. Yesterday I did go to an appointment of physical therapy, mostly she does stretching, which is something I really need. Next time I go in she wants me to bring my forearm crutches to maybe do a little walking. I get to show her the problem I have with lifting my toes when walking, which can get a little painful when coming down while your toes are wrapped under your foot. My pain level today has been a little under a 10 at 9.8 but it has reached 10 a few times today. The pain mostly has to do with the weather today, it has been raining off and on today but we really need that.
Have I ever mentioned that I really do not like politicians? One thing that I hate about them is when they say that they are a huge supporter of a certain thing and then in there personal life they do the exact opposite. One great example of this is abortion, it seems that you are either for it or against it, all of you think whatever you want but I am sure you will not like this story about Rep. Tim Murphy from Pennsylvania. Mr. Murphy is a Republican and most Republicans are pro life because of religious beliefs, which is their opinion. Anyway, the story goes that Tim, who I think is married but the article did not specifically mention that, had an affair with a woman who was twice as young as he is, Tim is 65. From what I have gathered from this article and others I have looked at, he was in a scandal, not because of the affair but for telling her to get an abortion. He has told his people in his district that they should be against abortion but here he is saying to a young woman to use it even though it goes against his beliefs. Politicians are horrible. Here is the link; https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/rep-tim-murphy-resigns-from-congress-after-allegedly-asking-woman-to-have-abortion/2017/10/05/7a68a414-aa08-11e7-850e-2bdd1236be5d_story.html?utm_term=.c8ab17f1efb0
The big day tomorrow is World Noodle Day, so I guess have a little bit of pasta or something like that tomorrow to celebrate. Also, it is World Smile Day, so smile as much as you can without going crazy.
So I guess Netflix is going to start to raise it's prices soon. There are three plans to Netflix, the top plan will now be $14, medium plan is going to be $11 and the lower plan will remain at $8 a month. The company says that they are raising the prices because they want to stay competitive with places like HBO, Hulu and Amazon. I think the only one they need to worry about is Amazon, pretty much every sector has to keep one eye on Amazon because I see articles all the time that Amazon is going to take over this or that. I even seen one a while back stating that Walmart needs to keep an eye on Amazon, which I think is crazy since Walmart is the largest employer in the world with over 2,000,000 employees. I do not think Walmart has much to worry about until Amazon starts using brick and mortar stores. Amazon is the king of the online shopping areana right now and that does not look to change any time soon. Here is the article about the price jump; https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/netflix-raising-us-prices-10-pct-most-popular-133645756--finance.html
Well, that is all for tonight, pretty tired. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
Have I ever mentioned that I really do not like politicians? One thing that I hate about them is when they say that they are a huge supporter of a certain thing and then in there personal life they do the exact opposite. One great example of this is abortion, it seems that you are either for it or against it, all of you think whatever you want but I am sure you will not like this story about Rep. Tim Murphy from Pennsylvania. Mr. Murphy is a Republican and most Republicans are pro life because of religious beliefs, which is their opinion. Anyway, the story goes that Tim, who I think is married but the article did not specifically mention that, had an affair with a woman who was twice as young as he is, Tim is 65. From what I have gathered from this article and others I have looked at, he was in a scandal, not because of the affair but for telling her to get an abortion. He has told his people in his district that they should be against abortion but here he is saying to a young woman to use it even though it goes against his beliefs. Politicians are horrible. Here is the link; https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/rep-tim-murphy-resigns-from-congress-after-allegedly-asking-woman-to-have-abortion/2017/10/05/7a68a414-aa08-11e7-850e-2bdd1236be5d_story.html?utm_term=.c8ab17f1efb0
The big day tomorrow is World Noodle Day, so I guess have a little bit of pasta or something like that tomorrow to celebrate. Also, it is World Smile Day, so smile as much as you can without going crazy.
So I guess Netflix is going to start to raise it's prices soon. There are three plans to Netflix, the top plan will now be $14, medium plan is going to be $11 and the lower plan will remain at $8 a month. The company says that they are raising the prices because they want to stay competitive with places like HBO, Hulu and Amazon. I think the only one they need to worry about is Amazon, pretty much every sector has to keep one eye on Amazon because I see articles all the time that Amazon is going to take over this or that. I even seen one a while back stating that Walmart needs to keep an eye on Amazon, which I think is crazy since Walmart is the largest employer in the world with over 2,000,000 employees. I do not think Walmart has much to worry about until Amazon starts using brick and mortar stores. Amazon is the king of the online shopping areana right now and that does not look to change any time soon. Here is the article about the price jump; https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/netflix-raising-us-prices-10-pct-most-popular-133645756--finance.html
Well, that is all for tonight, pretty tired. I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!