Stuff to Talk About, I Love History Facts!, New Direction, Blow Up, Old Favorite Pastime

Hey there all, hope your day is going great!  Well my day was pretty good, plus the weather here has been great lately.  You can go outside and actually breathe and not start sweating as soon as you open your door.  I wish it would stay like this all summer long but this is Missouri and it'll turn to the worst before too long, getting up in the 90's and even into the triple digits.  Just hope we don't have any droughts though.  So I go see my primary care doc tomorrow and I've got some stuff to talk to her about, the biggest thing is that when I eat a bread product it feels like it gets wedged in my esophagus and I hiccup like crazy for a few minutes before it goes down.  Got a few other things to talk with her about so I'm glad I have a longer appointment time this go around, it's 40 minutes instead of the usual 15.  So, let me get into it!

History Day!  Most of you know that I love facts, no matter how little they are.  Sometimes the only time they are needed is during trivia night or just showing up with your friends.  So here is a good list of history facts from the past.  Back in 1948 when Israel was founded Albert Einstein was asked to be the leader of the new country but he turned it down, not for sure the real reason why but probably because it would interfere with his work as a scientist.  If that came to be then Israel would have become the first and only scientocracy, a society run by scientists.  Talked about this before but the shortest war in history only too 38 minutes, the Anglo-Zanzibar War.  That was the most one sided battle in the world and will probably hold that title for a very long time.  This has gotta be the worst punishment, especially for men.  It was a technique that was used in Spain Called the Spanish Donkey.  It is where a man is straddling a log or something similar and little weights on their feet until the person gives up what is needed or eventually dies.  That's gotta be a horrible way to go.  Here is that list;

I like this and me saying I like something that the French did is pretty big, plus they aren't capitulate to these people wanting to tear down history.  President Macron of France has said that historic statues will not be torn down but he did say that he totally supports the fight against racial injustice and the cause for that.  Really wish our president or someone would stand up for our history here in America.  Imagine this, all the statues to our history that indicates anything about race relations or segregation are torn down then something bad could come from this.  If you remember that old saying, not totally sure who said this first but "if you forget your history then you are doomed to repeat it".  That's close to the saying and it's totally true I think.  If all traces of slavery are taken down in this country then 100 or so years from now there is a better chance of slavery returning and nobody wants that, for obvious reasons.  Here is that article talking about this;

It seems that tensions are getting hotter over in the Korean pennisula between the North and South as the North blew up the building where the two countries would meet to have fairly nice talks.  At least they were talking a little bit but there is no telling what will happen now.  The North has had some pretty strong words for the South and America.  If they even try to attack the South then America will be right by South Korea, if I remember right we have a pact or treaty with the South, plus we have a little under 30,000 troops stationed over there right now so we probably wouldn't even have to send more over there and plus South Korea has a pretty large fighting force itself.  Anyway, here is that article;

I think this was the last time the sport of baseball was relevant, the summer of 1998 and the great home run chase.  Baseball should probably let players take steroids or human growth hormone because that is what fueled that fun summer.  I fell out of love with baseball in 1994 and the strike going on, I still liked playing baseball and did for most of my high school life but I could not watch a game anymore or listen on the radio.  After that time I started forgetting names of players and stopped collecting baseball cards around this time.  Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa rekindled that baseball love for the game that was missing from most fans after the strike year of "94.  So should baseball allow some kind of performance enhancing drug, of course nothing too bad, we don't want a lot players on coke or meth running around out there.  I know there are many products that are legal that increase size and strength that people can get their hands on pretty quick, maybe that will bring back some of those good feelings about the game.  The sport is losing popularity right now, the average age of a fan of baseball is 52, they need to do something to bring it back to prominence.  The most popular sport in the nation is American football followed by baseball, at least that is what sites online say anyway, but I think basketball is more popular and hockey is starting to come up.  Watch out for MMA, as it is in 10th place right now but it's growing in popularity, especially with the younger demographic.  Here is an article about the 30 for 30 documentary by ESPN on that fateful summer of 1998;

That's all for me today guys.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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