Failed Test, Bring it Back, Crazy Stuff, Doesn't Need to Happen

Hey all, hope your week is starting out good!  Well my day was alright except for the fact that I got my test results back from the test I took for that 911 job.  I didn't pass and I'm pretty sure I know what I messed up.  I do get the chance to retake the test but won't find that out for a few more days.  So I've been looking for other jobs but haven't found much.  So many jobs out there for jobs that I cannot do such as cook or waiter but that's alright, just means I need to look harder.  My time at the gym was good, still not too sure what gym I want to stay with since Planet Fitness is back open now, need to figure that out soon before I start getting charged fees.  Sure I'll figure it out soon.  So anyway, let me get into it!

Star Wars Day!  Since Disney had banished the Extended Universe of Star Wars to the scrap heap, there have been talk about what Disney could nit-pick out to put into the new canon.  It's obvious that Disney needs to shore up it's content for Disney+ and picking out from the Expanded Universe is a good way to do.  I have heard a rumor for awhile that Thrawn might be coming to our screens, not as an animation character but in live action.  If they decide on that then who would play him?  I think Matthew McConaughey would probably do a good job, as Thrawn is very intelligent and commands ultimate respect, I think he could pull that off.  Who do you all think would make a good Thrawn.  So here is that article I found this on;

I'm telling ya, there are some crazy things going on in the state I refuse to capitalize.  Not going to talk much about this, I just though the visual was really cool.  Who in their right mind would do this though, crazy stuff.  I'm wondering what happened, did the person driving the van not realize there was a motorcycle sticking out of their front end and if not what is she smoking.  Sure there is a good story there.  Here is the short video of it;

I have talked about this before and don't feel I need to voice my opinion on this anymore but this most recent statue removal is very irritating.  This one has to deal with The Museum of Natural History in New York and the removal of a statue depicting Teddy Roosevelt on a horse alongside a Native American and an African.  I don't like this move but at least happy that mobs of people are not tearing the statue down and it will be moved to a different location.  So at least it isn't getting thrown in the river or something like that.  Here is that article;

That's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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