Not Much, Incoming, Maybe, More Infections?, Too Much, Misconceptions of Slavery in America

Hey everyone, I hope the middle of your week is going great!  My day was alright, didn't get done as much as I wanted but that's pretty much everyday.  Didn't do anything special today so I'm going to get right on in to it!

MCU Day!  I'll admit, I was never a big fan of this character in the comics but was very interested in mythology about the same time as I got into comics.  Growing up Thor was probably my favorite character because of Norse mythology, I wasn't too big into Greek mythology at the time but did understand this character and when I was introduced to him in the comics.  I am of course talking about Hercules, who was a really good member of the Avengers for a time.  The more interesting part is where would he show up in the movies?  Or would it be better for him to have a Disney+ show?  That's something I don't know about, there are some movies and shows coming up with time travel or other mystical elements so maybe he could show up somewhere in there, maybe.  Anyway, here is an article on it;

I have an article for this but I'm not talking about the article, I'm wanting to talk about something that's been on my mind lately.  Recently there was shown a party down at the Lake of the Ozarks here in Missouri and all the so called "experts" said that we were going to see a very high number of Covid-19 cases.  What ended up happening was not what they expected, only two known cases resulted from that big party.  Now we have nationwide protests and rioting going on and you can be sure that not everyone is following CDC guidelines.  How much do you want to bet that the left will try to cover up any positive Covid-19 cases so that they it makes them look good for supporting the protests.  It's what they do best, I haven't heard anything about any cases popping up since the protesting started a few weeks ago, I think they are keeping it under wraps, what do you think?  Here is an article about what these protests are doing;

This is a pretty funny article I pulled up, I've been talking for a long time how San Francisco is a horrible place to live, for a few reasons.  One of the biggest reasons is the wealth disparity there and how expensive it is to live there.  I remember reading before how a programmer making 6 figures couldn't afford to live there and this article says that the average home in the city costs $1.5 million.  Not a lot of people can afford that so it makes sense that people are running to get out of the city, especially since remote work has become the norm for many in the industries that are prevalent in the city.  I think it would be great is the whole city is abandoned, we could turn it into an Escape from New York scenario, maybe.  Here is that article;

This is something I think people need to know about in these times.  As most of you know I am a bit of a history nerd and I remember reading this story about black people in North America owning other black people.  That would also make it hard for reparations, also the Irish were slaves for a time so should they be included in this too.  Then there were the Asians that were "owned" for awhile, could they receive reparations as well?  What I am trying to do with writing this and by adding the article, is dispel the argument for reparations for slavery, there just isn't any way to really know how to met out the punishments for it.  So no matter if you think you feel guilt over the institution of slavery, you don't have to pay an extra tax for it.  Here is a really good webpage I found for this;

That's it for tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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