Big Decision, Gotta Have Something to Gossip About, Big Waste, New Planets
Hey guys, hope you are doing great! Not much today again, I made it to the gym and had another good workout and I watched the boys for a little bit today. Guess I have until the 10th of July to figure out which gym I'm going to stick with, they both have differing things I like. I can be a little indecisive sometimes but I'll make my mind up by then. Didn't do much else today though so let me get into it!
Conspiracy Day! People always think there is something bigger at work, making conspiracy theories where there isn't any. That is, what I think, is happening with the so called fireworks conspiracy. What's going on is that there are fireworks being shot off a lot in many major cities but this article just talks about New York City. They are shooting fireworks off here in Columbia every evening and I never even thought there was a wider conspiracy going on. I think the reasoning is that now most fireworks stands are open, many people have been cooped up for the last few months and are letting out a little steam. The police have found some illegal fireworks but that is a smaller percentage, illegal fireworks are always present with "real" fireworks. But here is an article on this anyway;
If this wasn't so wasteful it'd be funny. That first round of stimulus payments that many Americans received had some bad apples in it. The Treasury sent out more than $1 billion to people that were already dead. Goes to show you how bad government can be. This article tells about why there was a mix up, a lot of government agencies just don't share information or even talk to each other. The problem was that the Social Security Administration had all the details about who had passed on but the Treasury didn't have that info, stupid stuff. This government is acting like an improv set sometimes, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. Here is that article;
Now I am no astrobiologist but 11 light years is fairly close, I do understand that light years are very far away but still, I can wrap my head around that number at least. They have recently found two exoplanets there that could host life as they are in the Goldilocks zone, that's a zone like ours that is not too close to their star and not too far away so things like water could be found. Hopefully we will find out if the planets have an atmosphere, which would go a long way to them having life. Too bad that's still too far away for a quick visit, maybe in a century or so. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!