New Gym, More Real Conspiracy Theories, Need to Step Up, New Wave, Great Deal

Hey there all, I hope things are going great for you all today!  My day was alright, the weather here is great right now, the high was in the low 80's today and no humidity.  Makes for a great day.  I did join a different gym here in town and got a pretty good deal.  Gonna start going tomorrow.  I will cancel my Planet Fitness membership but they will only let you do that in person so I'll have to wait for them to open up.  That's alright though.  So let me go on and get to it!

Conspiracy Day!  I hope this doesn't bother many of you but I found a good webpage that has some conspiracy theories that turned out to be true and wanted to add it.  I have talked about some before but there are some other ones I have not touched on.  One of them I'll talk about is a failed weapon for the U.S. military, I will do something on failed weapons soon.  The "gay bomb" was something thought up by people in the military to drop female pheromones on enemy troops to entice them to "engage" with each other and stop fighting but it never came to be.  I think that's a great thing that never happened, imagine what would happen to the government if that weapon was actually created.  A lot of people don't remember this but I think it was a worse way or reason to go to war with Iraq than what happened about 13 years later.  Basically a young woman from Kuwait testified before Congress that Iraqi soldiers were coming into hospitals and murdering babies, of course this wasn't true but was used at the time to get the United States to invade Iraq.  That was something terrible to lie about, I know the Iraq soldiers were probably not the nicest people in the world but that's low even for Saddam.  Here is that list of 28;

The easiest way for evil to win is for good people to stand by and do nothing.  Can't remember who said that first but it's a very apt quote for what is happening up in Seattle right now.  Mobs of antifa or related groups have now taken over about 6 city blocks and the city government is letting them do it by handcuffing the police force that is put in place to stop things like this from happening.  I feel for the good people of that city and hope things work out in the right way.  Anyway, here is a video on this;

I really don't like this new wave we have going on and I'm not talking about the second wave of Covid-19 cases, but were you have to be 100% behind the looters and rioters or you will get pushback.  Some people have lost their jobs or just been ruined because they said something that another person took as wrong.  I thought this was America where you were allowed to have an opinion but I guess not anymore.  You have to think the way that people like antifa think, it's horrible to see going on here in my country.  As I have said before, I am behind the protesters but not the ones out there looting stores just to get free stuff, that is a criminal act and should be treated as such.  I'll probably get some people not liking me very much for saying that but oh well. 

Now for something a little more upbeat, if you have been wanting to get an Echo Dot from Amazon then this is your chance.  You can get one for just under $9, you may have to pay tax depending on where you live though.  But that's still a great deal.  Get it while it's hot!  Here it is;

That's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a fabulous night or day, take care and stay safe!


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