Saturday Post, Overreach of Power, Liberals Are Not Worth Anything

Hope your Saturday is going great!  Hey guys, just had a few things to talk about today.  Nothing much to talk about my day today, I did go up to Macon to see my parents for a little bit and had to take something to my cousin up there.  So crazy how empty the highway is, mostly all you see are semi-trucks taking stuff somewhere.  Now, let me get into it!

This whole lockdown or quarantine or whatever you want to call it has gotten a little out of hand.  They cannot tell if social distancing or staying inside has scientifically helped stop the spread of the viurs, because they don't know exactly how people are actually acting or if they are leaving their homes unless they had cameras in the home.  Of course there is one political party that would like to get something like that, of course I'm talking about the liberal democrats, who want to tell us what to do at all times.  One way that they have tried to do this is in Elizabeth New Jersey where they are using drones to make sure people are following orders.  It wouldn't stop me since there isn't a law making us follow these rules.  Using these drones to spy on the American people is a huge violation of our rights that were put down in the Constitution but liberals don't care about that piece of paper but they need to start listening to the people that talk about it and freedom.  The drones they are using come from a Chinese company and the info those drones are gathering is going back to China but I guess the government in Elizabeth New Jersey don't care about that.  The drones can even yell at you to not gather in groups or whatever it wants to say.  I would shoot down the drones, I don't know that they are not going to harm me.  It's really stupid and shows that liberals don't care about freedoms for the American people.  Here is an article about this;

Peter Daou, a former Hillary Clinton backer and someone who worked on her campaign, is calling for Joe Biden to step down from his presidential run because of recent things that have come out from his sexual assault allegations brought from Tara Reade.  I think he should step down but who would the democrats get to replace him?  Not sure at this juncture but that is their problem.  Can't believe how the New York Times will talk about Biden and not mention this sexual assault allegation at all, when Kavanaugh was accused of the same thing they couldn't stop talking about it.  Just goes to show you how two-faced the liberals really are and I hope this starts to expose them to the world.  Not one of those liberals are worth anything to me.  Here is an article on this;

That's it for this Saturday post, just a few things I wanted to talk about.  Have fun the rest of the weekend!


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