Short Post, Surfer Movie?, Not As Clean Cut As Thought, Latest Screw-up

Hey there everybody, hope your middle of the week is going good!  My day is going good but I am going to cut this post a little short as I am starting a little later because I was at a pizza party at the office of where I live.  It was fun, I played ping pong with a friend and learned that I am pretty good at it.  I will hardly ever turn down free food and I won a raffle at the thing and got some new kitchen implements so that's good.  Had a good workout today with the trainer but cut it short as I had some other stuff I needed to do, oh well.  I guess I am going to hop to it and get to the good stuff!

MCU Day!  So, a Silver Surfer movie is coming from the MCU and probably within the next few years and I cannot wait.  Silver Surfer was done only once on the big screen in the second Fantastic Four movie and he wasn't very good.  I thought he looked great and sounded really good, he was voiced by Lawrence Fishburne.  The Surfer has a great story that I think will go over really well and if you introduce him then you have to also introduce Galactus and the Fantastic Four, because his story is so tied to them.  I know that Marvel/Disney will do a whole lot better by Galactus and not make him a fart cloud as he was in that Fantastic Four movie.  Now the big thing is, who will play him?  I have heard a lot of people say that Keanu Reeves should play him but I say that Reeves is a little too old, you need someone that's 25 to about 38 to play him right.  Because you want someone that will be able to play the character for 12 years or a little more.  I know who should play the voice of Galactus, Dennis Haysbert, who played the president in 24, he has a great voice.  I think Oscar Isaac or Jeffery Donovan.  Anyway, here is an article about that Silver Surfer news;

Justin Trudeau, one of the Gods of the left, may not be as "great" as they think.  Back in 2001 he appeared at a party at a school he taught at in brownface, to depict an Arabian person.  So now he may not be as pure as the left thinks he is, I love that this happens to the left so much.  I am not saying that the right is correct but it doesn't seem to happen to them, most of them will own up to things before anyone digs it up.  It will be interesting to see how he tries to weasel his way out of this situation.  I hope this gets a lot of press.  Here is the article on this;

Quick one here, poor Joe Biden.  I really think he needs to just step back and consider his health, maybe drop out of the race.  Today I have heard this a lot, about a gaffe he made while giving a speech recently.  Saying that his tax plan would put 720 million women back into the workforce, umm ok, Joe you really need to take a break or something.  There are around 330 million people in this country and a little over half are women so I think he messed his number up somewhere.  I mean, the guy can't even remember when JFK was shot and he was alive for that.  I wouldn't be surprised that if you gave him a basic history quiz he would fail harder than a 5 year old doing the same test.  He needs to reevaluate his life and what he wants to do because this is kinda scary to see a man make mistakes like this and not even realize it at the time.  He needs help.  Here is the article on this;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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