Being Forgetful, First Conspiracy, Lying Accuser, 2020 Thoughts

Hey guys, happy Friday!  Hope it has been a good week for all of you out there and sorry I didn't write last night, just had a lot going on.  So, my day has been alright, beautiful weather out there today.  Tomorrow I am going to St. Louis for an adaptive sports things put on by DASA.  I am going to talk to someone in charge and see if we can do this in Columbia and I be the point man for it.  I think that would work great for me to have a job.  I feel really bad, I wrote most of this on Friday and then I guess I forgot about it so I am going to publish on Saturday.  But let me get to it!

Conspiracy Day!  I know I would normally talk about alternate history today but didn't have anything pertinent to talk about on that subject today.  And I wanted to explore something with conspiracy theories, what was the first one?  While doing research for this topic I kept running into a recent book about the conspiracy to kill George Washington, called the first conspiracy of America but I know that this isn't the first one mentioned in history.  Probably the first one had to do with the Jewish religion, as they are the scapegoats for a lot of bad things throughout history.  Such as the black death of Europe, the cause was said to have been Jews since they didn't get sick like other populations at the time but you have to remember that one of the tenets of Judaism is that you have to stay clean, to bath almost daily, even back in the 1400's.  So that means that they didn't get sick as much as others who did not bath more regularly.  One of the earliest I could find was about the great fire in Rome in 64 A.D., it was said to have been started by Nero, a lot of us have heard that Nero was playing the fiddle while Rome burned to the ground.  First off, the fiddle wasn't invented for a few hundred years later and Nero was actually out of Rome at the time of the fire.  Christians were blamed, even though they probably didn't start the fire.  The fire probably started from someone cooking or something and it spread because of how houses were built back then.  Anyway, here is a good article on this subject;

I had heard about this on the radio and wanted to research it myself.  It was about the Kavanaugh accuser, I refuse to use her name because I don't want to give her any publicity, and the fact that she only accused him because she wanted to make sure Roe v Wade was not changed.  Her lawyer came out and said that earlier this year but was just picked up in a book about this whole show trial.  None of the other "accusers" could remember anything, one of the other women had some trouble of filing fake harassment charges before this thing happened.  We all knew, at least those of us who really paid attention, that this was all political because his accuser was brought forward by a democrat that hated President Trump and they didn't like Kavanaugh since President Trump is the one who nominated Kavanaugh.  Also, this story was no where on Google News or on Yahoo and had to search for this, you think this would be actual news but they would rather report what the Kardashians are doing.  This is a good article, check it out no matter what you think on this;

I don't have an article for this, just my thoughts and you can think how you want.  This election is just as bad as the last one in 2016 because we really don't have any good choices.  I hope there is a good Libertarian candidate that comes out soon, or some other third party.  On one side you have President Donald Trump, who is very divisive but has done a few good things for the country and on the other you have a bunch of wackos for the democrats.  The person leading that party is 75 and is losing it, I mean he thought the Kennedy assassination happened in the 70's not too long ago.  From what I have heard about that event, you know exactly where you were when it happened, kind of like my generation and 9/11.  Biden is a damn joke and the others are communists that want to change this country to something we have been fighting against for a very long time.  I believe that if there is a really good third party candidate that he could make a significant impact in the race.  And if they are a good enough candidate then they might win.  Guess we will have to wait and see, 424 days left.

Well, that's it for me.  I hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care!


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