Good Day, History of Slavery, Reboots Need to Stop, Senseless Shootings

Hey there all, I hope your day is going great!  My day has been pretty good, had a good workout at the gym and seen my psych today and watched the boys for a few hours.  Didn't do much else today but that's alright.  Although I think I do need to change some things, feels like I am in a little bit of a rut.  Sometimes feels like I am just going through the motions in life, just enough to stay alive, which isn't so bad.  I do have to do something different though.  I checked out a different gym in town called the Body Refinery Gym.  They had some really nice equipment but they were a little pricey at $30 bucks a month, I'm only paying like $11 a month for Planet Fitness.  If it is not too hot tomorrow then I will roll on the Hominy Trail, which is right next to where I live and goes downtown.  They say the high is going to be close to 90 tomorrow so I might wait until the weekend or when the temp goes down.  Well, let me get to it!

History Day!  Much like the article I pulled up says, people that are interested in talking against slavery are not wanting to learn the history of the "perennial institution", as what it was termed by historian Seymour Drescher.  There is so much more to slavery than what happened when Europeans went to Africa and started trading in the lives of people to bring to the New World.  Plus, the fact that black Africans were traded or sold by other black Africans to white Europeans.  And plus, it should be noted that the "slave trade" was very vibrant before the white man showed up, they were being sold and traded to Arabs long before.  First, I want to say that I am not saying that slavery was good or anything, it was a terrible thing that we have to live with it being in our history.  Just accept that.  This article was very researched and thought out, good job.  Here, you can read it yourself and make up what you want;

I cannot believe this, I guess Hollywood is really running out of ideas for new movies.  News just came out that they want to reboot Face/Off.  They need to stop with some of these reboots, the movie came out about 20 some years ago.  I'm not even sure who they should try to get to play the characters but nobody can do a better job than what Nick Cage did in that movie, he was really good and showed how underrated as an actor he is.  Now people are treating him like a big joke but there was a time when I think he was one of the better actors in Hollywood.  Travolta was also really good in that, just not as good as Cage.  They need to stay away from redoing certain movies.  Look back in time to movies that were maybe not hits and try to make them a little better or movies that were ok but didn't have the VFX back then and maybe they have it now.  One idea I have about Face/Off is a sequel with Castor Troy's kid or something.  So a sequel or something might work.  Here is an article on the reboot;

This is something I want to start putting on my blog every week until it is talked about by someone in Congress or power otherwise.  This last weekend there were at least 34 people shot in Chicago, 6 died and one of those was a 17 year old girl.  Congress needs to look at these killings, not just the ones considered "mass shootings".  Also, the shootings that happen in Chicago, St. Louis and Baltimore are black on black crime mostly and they don't seem to care about that.  But I counter that with this, it is still Americans being killed and we should worry about it nonetheless.  So until it is talked about on a national stage, I will be putting this up on my blog.  I am sure that nobody from Congress cares about my blog but they need to care about any and all shootings if you want to get serious about gun violence.  Here is an article;

Well, that is it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a wonderful day or night, take care!


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