Another Good Day, Soviet Invasion, Big News, Why One Over the Other
Hey everyone, I hope your day is going great! My day has been good, I had an interview today that I forgot to talk about last night. It was at the gym I workout at but it's for the new location in south Columbia. It wouldn't be a great job but it would be something until I get something else. That's fine, it will help out. After that interview I worked out for about an hour, it went well. After that I went to go see another friend in the hospital but his door was shut so I sent him a message and he said he was sleeping. But now he is home so that's good. Well, let me get to it!
History Day! I want to talk today about a really good video I just watched from one of my favorite Youtubers, AlternateHistoryHub. It is titled, The Invasion That Changed Everything: Soviets In Afganistan. He was inspired to do this video from a book called The Great Gamble by Gregory Feifer. This invasion that started on Christmas Day 1979 did truly change everything and set things up for what eventually happened. He makes a very good point about how the invasion led to 9/11, mostly because we backed the wrong person in this fight. Yes, bin Laden was a "freedom fighter" or mujahideen that fought against the Soviets. Even though we didn't actually give money to him, he was given support from Pakistan who we did give the money to. So in a way we built our worst enemy. It really was a domino effect, like what Truman was trying to stop so long ago. Here is that video;
So, the biggest news story of the day has to be the democrats calling for impeachment of President Trump. I don't think this is the best course of action for them to go as the general public doesn't like these fights as they do seem a little petty. If you are of a certain age then you will remember when impeachment was brought against President Clinton back in the 90's, the public was very against it and it gave a bump to the president at the time. President Trump has now said he will release the transcript of the call with the president of Ukraine, which is what this impeachment is about. I think that is another mistake by not even seeing the main cause of this action. So basically they want to base all this on faith. I think they could end up shooting themselves in the foot with this but we are going to have to wait and see what happens. One reason I think this is a mistake is because of Article 2 of the Constitution, it gives the president express powers to conduct foreign policy however he sees fit to run the country. Here is an article on some of this;
This isn't going to be very long. Why is it ok to criticize one 16 year old and not for another? The left were very hateful to the young man at the Lincoln Memorial but this young woman who is "fighting" for the environment is protected. Fox News had been a little mean to her and they were forced to apologize, I just don't get it. That's just the way politics are now in this country. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!
History Day! I want to talk today about a really good video I just watched from one of my favorite Youtubers, AlternateHistoryHub. It is titled, The Invasion That Changed Everything: Soviets In Afganistan. He was inspired to do this video from a book called The Great Gamble by Gregory Feifer. This invasion that started on Christmas Day 1979 did truly change everything and set things up for what eventually happened. He makes a very good point about how the invasion led to 9/11, mostly because we backed the wrong person in this fight. Yes, bin Laden was a "freedom fighter" or mujahideen that fought against the Soviets. Even though we didn't actually give money to him, he was given support from Pakistan who we did give the money to. So in a way we built our worst enemy. It really was a domino effect, like what Truman was trying to stop so long ago. Here is that video;
So, the biggest news story of the day has to be the democrats calling for impeachment of President Trump. I don't think this is the best course of action for them to go as the general public doesn't like these fights as they do seem a little petty. If you are of a certain age then you will remember when impeachment was brought against President Clinton back in the 90's, the public was very against it and it gave a bump to the president at the time. President Trump has now said he will release the transcript of the call with the president of Ukraine, which is what this impeachment is about. I think that is another mistake by not even seeing the main cause of this action. So basically they want to base all this on faith. I think they could end up shooting themselves in the foot with this but we are going to have to wait and see what happens. One reason I think this is a mistake is because of Article 2 of the Constitution, it gives the president express powers to conduct foreign policy however he sees fit to run the country. Here is an article on some of this;
This isn't going to be very long. Why is it ok to criticize one 16 year old and not for another? The left were very hateful to the young man at the Lincoln Memorial but this young woman who is "fighting" for the environment is protected. Fox News had been a little mean to her and they were forced to apologize, I just don't get it. That's just the way politics are now in this country. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care!