Labor Day, No Reylo, Rich Congress Members, Way to Lower Healthcare Costs

Hey everyone, hope the start of your week is great!  My day is going alright, nothing great but ok.  I got a new laptop this past weekend, so that's nice.  Thank you to my parents for the help.  I did make it to the gym today and both days this weekend and did some good total arm workouts today.  Tomorrow I am going to focus on my core a little bit.  Oh, Happy Labor Day everyone.  Hopefully you did something good today like maybe grill some good food or something like that.  I grilled out with my cousin and some other friends yesterday, it was good as always.  So anyway, let me go on and get to it!

Star Wars Day!  I am not and have never been a fan of the Reylo in the new Star Wars and don't really want to see it happen.  This new theory goes against the Reylo situation, which I am good with.  I never thought they were going to get together and from the begining I didn't like that idea, I thought it was cheap and a throw away plot point to the movies.  This new leak/rumor goes against any Reylo relationship from happening and I am happy with that.  I think Rey will end up with someone that we have met already but it isn't Ben Solo, I am think either Finn or Poe, unless they decide to put those two together which I don't think they will as Rose and Finn already have a little thing.  But I am getting more and more pumped about The Rise of Skywalker and cannot wait for it to come out.  Kinda wish it came out in a warmer month but that's fine, I understand it's about money.  Anyway, here is that article I found that on, enjoy;

So, something I am pretty passionate about and talk about quite a lot, with gritted teeth, is how much Congress people make and have, money wise.  Some people forget that we pay them their salaries, they make a lot more than a majority of American people, which isn't right but I obviously don't make these decisions.  The "compensation" of most people in Congress is 174,000 per annum, which is 11.6 times what I make in a year.  There was a senator that came out a few years ago and said that he wasn't paid enough.  Well first off, this isn't a regular job and second, you work for us, the American people and you all haven't been doing a very good job as of late.  There are a lot of people in Congress who are very wealthy, quite a lot are worth more than a million bucks and some of that comes from insider trading, which I don't think they should be able to play in the stock market because they get insider info all the time because of what they do.  That makes it so unfair to the rest of the people that have money in the stock market, it's why insider trading is supposed to be illegal but it isn't really.  I pulled up a pretty intersting article about the wealth of some members of Congress and you can see how much money they really have.  It isn't from what they make in a year.  Some have made money the old fashioned way, through inheritance but there are plenty that made it in other, less legal ways too.  This list says that the wealthiest member is Darrell Issa of california at $283 million, must be nice.  I have thought about getting into politics but I really don't like to lie to anyone about anything, so I don't think I would last very long.  Another thing that pisses me off about Congress is that you now get a pension when you leave, it was never meant to be like that.  This was supposed to be service to your country and you weren't supposed to be paid all this money.  Alexis de Tocqueville was a very brilliant man, a great writer and had some good quotes about America.  One went like this, The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.  That was good insight on what is happening now.    But anyway, here is that article;

I just read an interesting article about how to lower health care costs in America, we should just look at how Singapore is doing things when it comes to health care.  One of the important things is to add price tags to different procedures, something that President Donald Trump has proposed but those on the left were against, as the left is against anything President Trump puts forward.  It doesn't matter, if the president had the cure for cancer in his hands the left would still find a way to hate him for it.  But anyway, I think it is something that people in Congress should look at.  Here is that article, it's pretty good;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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