Wore Out, Too Many Winners, Running From Debt, More Agreeing
Hey there all, I hope things are great on this Friday for you! My day has been good even though nothing really special happened. I watched the boys for a little while and that was alright, they were actually really good for me this time. After they left I made it to the gym and had probably my best workout since I was in college doing wheelchair basketball. So that just means that I am really wore out. It was a really good workout and I hope I keep them up, guess we will see what happens. And I really didn't do anything after that, sometimes all you need is to do nothing. So, nothing much else to write here so I will go on and get to it!
The Scripps National Spelling Bee, I think they really messed up. The top prize in the Bee went to 8 children when it should go to just one. What are they trying to do, just give everyone a trophy. That's something I really don't like about society right now, thinking that every kid should get a trophy. No, they need to learn that there are winners and losers and if you don't want to lose then you have to work that much harder than the next person. The article I am going to add here does not even come close to the vitriol that the spelling bee got on Twitter or other social media sites, people were really upset about this. I am upset too, there should be a clear winner and the competition should have gone into overtime or something. I had heard that one person thought there should be a steel cage match to declare the winner. There should have been protocols in place to prevent something like this from happening. I really hope that next year they put something in so not everyone gets a trophy. Here is an article on this; https://www.yahoo.com/news/8-kids-won-2019-spelling-141542489.html
So I guess people are now moving out of America so they can avoid their student loan debts but I do not think that many of those people thought this through. Depending on the type of loan you have you could get late fees for not making payments because even though you left the country, your debt is still there. As far as I know the only way to get rid of that debt would be to either pay it off or die, but I'm not real sure about that last one. If you do leave the country for however long and come back then you can be sued by the government. Like the article says, I am sure this will be a topic towards the top in the 2020 race for the White House. Here is that article; https://www.aol.com/article/finance/2019/05/31/people-are-now-fleeing-the-country-to-keep-from-paying-off-their-student-loans/23738453/
I am finding myself again agreeing with people I would not normally agree with but there is logic to their thinking, even if they are void of logic most of the time. The two in question are AOC and Elizabeth Warren, two of my not so favorite people. But this is about Eddie Lampert who tried to help Sears stay afloat and he is now balking on paying out $42 million for employee severance packages. Now, I admit that I do not know a whole lot about this issue but holding back money from people that worked for you seems pretty bad and what is wrong with the wealth divide in this country and around the world. Workers are taken advantage of a lot, like when a company has a board of directors vote to lower retirement benefits without talking to the people that worked hard so that way the CEO can make $50 million a year while they are busting their ass to put food on the table. It's horrible and something needs to be done about it. Anyway, here is that article so you can make up your own minds; https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/31/warren-aoc-rail-at-eddie-lampert-for-shirking-sears-worker-severance.html?__source=yahoo%7Cfinance%7Cheadline%7Cstory%7C&par=yahoo&yptr=yahoo
Well, that is it for me tonight. I hope that every one of you have a great weekend, take care!