Lazy Day, Far From Home Trailer Talk, AG Fight, Magic Shrooms
Hey there all, I hope things are great! My day has been pretty lazy and I didn't even go to the gym today. I just woke up and felt a little out of it, not sure why or what was going on with me and decided to stay home and do stuff here at the apartment. My belly is feeling better so that's good but I have been having a lot of small headaches today which is weird for me as this doesn't usually happen to me. When that does happen for me, maybe a few times a year, it is normally only a 24 hour thing and it will be gone when I wake up tomorrow. I know that skipping the gym is bad for me but I will go tomorrow and work a little harder than usual to make up for the miss. Think I will work on biceps and shoulders tomorrow. I have started doing some good things for biceps with the bands and using my wheelchair. Sometimes I think I would like to have someone like a videographer follow me around at the gym to document what it is I do there. Maybe I can get someone to do that for me some time. Well anyway, let me get to it!
MCU Day! Yesterday I teased that I would talk about the new Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer but I honestly forgot to write about it yesterday and it worked out so I will talk a little about it now. The trailer starts off with Tom Holland saying that there are spoilers ahead for Avengers:Endgame so if you have not seen that, turn away now. Which is kind of funny since Tom Holland is the one usually spoiling things cause he can't keep his mouth shut, that is why he was not allowed to take a script home for Endgame. So if you haven't seen Endgame yet you should skip ahead on the blog as I will talk some spoilers also. So the trailer starts off with talking about how Tony is gone and what will he do now. I love that Happy is in this movie, he has a very good relationship with Peter for the movie and it looks very funny, that is mostly what Happy is but it seems since Tony is gone his role will expand to where he will be like the father figure for Peter. Mysterio is shown more in this trailer and it is said that he is from Earth but just not ours, meaning he is from an alternate timeline, saying that the snap had opened up the dimension for these types of rifts. So that will be cool. I happen to think that Mysterio is lying but we will have to wait and see. I am pretty sure that Fury would know if he was not telling the truth but I am not sure. It seems that SHIELD has been reformed and is active now since the snap. It looks like a really fun movie and I cannot wait until early July! Here is the trailer;
Those democrats are not thinking very clearly and are letting their frustrations with President Trump cloud their thinking. The democrats in the House are holding the Attorney General in contempt because he will not show up to their committee and not releasing the full Mueller report. Well, AG Barr cannot since there is grand jury testimony in the report, that has to be redacted, if he releases this then it is a crime. So they are trying to punish the AG for not committing a crime, which is idiotic and they are only doing this to get to the president. This will not make President Trump do anything different or talk to them because of this, this would more than likely make him not like them even more. This is all a fight to try to get the president impeached, I don't think this will work and it makes the democratic members of Congress look petty and that makes their constituents not like them even more, forget the president. The people in Congress need to focus on what they were put there for, to serve the American people. It is time to put this to bed and get back to helping Americans! This is the exact reason why people do not have any faith in Congress as it is at it's lowest level of all time, cockroaches are more liked than members of Congress. Here is an article on this;
Looks like Denver is the place to be if you are a fan of the magical mushroom. The "drug" is not legal in Denver it is just on the lowest level of criminalization, the wording on this is very vague and I can see a lot of problems going forward. I think this is smart, something that should be done on the federal level. This is a more natural "drug" as it is not processed like other drugs such as meth or heroin. I could see something like this catching on in other places that have legalized marijuana. This may be something Canada and Mexico will look at soon. Here is an article talking about this;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!