Good Day, Vietnam, Crazy Lawsuit

Hey there all, I hope you are having a great day!  My day has been pretty good, didn't really do anything special though.  The weather was actually pretty good and only rained here for a little bit.  It looks like most of the storms were up north of here.  Macon, the place I'm from, looks to be getting hit by a lot of rain and storms.  Hopefully nothing bad happens up there, I'm sure it'll be fine though.  I'm having a lot of trouble with my left foot, for some reason my nerves are going crazy and my foot keeps jumping.  It is also causing quite a bit of pain for my ankle.  It is really annoying and this happens sometimes early in the morning and it makes it hard to sleep.  Luckily lately I have been taking something to help me fall asleep.  I have been taking Unisom and it works pretty well.  It's time for me to go on and get to it!

History Day!  I just watched a good video that I am going to talk about a little and then add here.  Ho Chi Minh, the communist leader of Vietnam.  It was a video by one of my favorite places to learn about someones life called Biographics on Youtube.  It's very good, check them out.  My official stance on the Vietnam War is that America should have never been involved, for a few different reasons.  I mean, I understand the reason why because we wanted to stop the spread of communism in Vietnam but I think it was the job of France to stop it there, not the United States.  And plus, the administrators did not fight the war the way it should have been fought.  I always go back to this, three weeks after Pearl Harbor, America had plans drawn up for what would happen after we won.  Now the reason why that was done was that we were confident in what we were doing, we were not confident going into Vietnam because even those in charge were not confident that we would win over there.  Enough of me talking about that, here is that video so you can check it out if you like;

This is a lawsuit that I am not comfortable with, Oklahoma against Johnson & Johnson.  This is about the opioid crisis.  I just think Oklahoma is going after the company because they want money and not out of anything else.  This lawsuit will not stop the overdoses so why are they doing it?  I think they should be going after people that are more resposible, bad doctors prescribing too many pills or not prescribing correctly, the bad pharmacists that are stealing away opioids and then the smugglers that bring the illegal opioids like fentanyl into the country usually from the south.  At least those are my thoughts on the whole thing, here is an article on this lawsuit;

Well, that's it for me.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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