
Showing posts from March, 2019

I Was Tired, Cut Them Off, Opps, They Did It Again

Gym Done Early, Horrible No Good People, Episode IX Poster, More Crazy Laws

Lovely Weather, IMAX Here I Come, Foreign Influence, Draft Tomorrow, Stay Out!, Good Deeds by Bad People, Vaccine Talk

Workout Stuff, It's Not a Democracy!, Socialist Deals, Bad People

Good Workout, Few Theories, Democrats Upset, Good Laugh at Bad People, Strikers

Fun Day, Report is Released, Bad Things

Good Day, Crazy Laws, Little MCU Stuff, Bad Officer, More Free Thoughts

Gym Day, Fox Deal is Done!, Sunset Paralysis, Bitterness, Good Move

Alright Day, Electoral College, Free Thinking, AOC in Trouble, Getting in Trouble

Ok Day, New Star Wars Title?, New Contender, Another Rich A@$hole

Alright Day, New Endgame Trailer, Suing the Maker

Good Day, Box Office Dominance, More Important Things, College Cheat, War in Yemen

Driving Day, What Happened Today, Dating with Issues, Different Party, New Show?, Changes Coming

Warm Day, Star Wars Facts, Dumb People, More Trouble in Venezuala

Alternate History Post with Video

More Sleep Problems, More Captain Marvel, Socialist Nightmare

Very Sleepy, Captain Marvel Review

Captain Marvel Review Tomorrow

Pressure Sores, Marvel Trolls, Old/New Medicine, Robert Kelly Interview