Road Trip, Democrat New Slogan, Winnie the Pooh

Sorry all, I'm back.  Had to take last night off, I had a friend come over and she did not leave until about 8 and then I had to wake up early today.  I have now been up without a nap or anything since 4:49 am.  I went with my dad and my uncle drove to a coin show in St. Charles.  My uncle needed to be there at 8 to get some undercoating work done on his truck so we went there first and then the show.  It was a really good show, it seemed like there were not as many vendors there as the years before, especially the ones that have to travel a long way to get there.  Money is tight for everyone I guess, even the big dealers.  I only bought one coin for my collection, an 1839 Large Cent.  Back then the pennies were as big as a dollar coin is now.  I like the design and the history of them.  The 1839 was called the booby head because they way lady liberty's hair looks at the front of her head is a nipple there.  Kind of a neat little mistake they made at the time.  Not an error coin but cool nonetheless.  To end this paragraph, my pain has been as high as a 10+ today, mostly all day.

I am not going to write as much tonight, I can barely keep my eyes open.  One article I ran past today that I thought was funny was someone making fun of the new democrat slogan.  It is very familiar, especially if you like a certain pizza chain or heard their commercials on television.  This is it; A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Better Wages.  If you did not catch that, this slogan is a blatant rip off of Papa John's pizza.  I bet that person or group that came up with that slogan got paid a lot of money that they are laughing all the way to the bank.  I could of done a better job, something like; Every Time I Open My Mouth, I Lie.  As a lot of you know I am more conservative than liberal and do not like the democrats one bit.  I really did not like their choice for president this last time because I think that woman is the true meaning of evil.

Also, in other new.  China has banned Winnie the Pooh because he looks too much like the communist leader.  Crazy stuff going on, and O.J. is going to be a free man soon.

Well, that is all I have for tonight.  I hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!


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