Hello all, I am hurting and not planning on writing much tonight but I will be back tomorrow to definitely write more for you all.  So, today has been pretty crappy for me, to be totally honest, which I always try to do.  I woke up in considerable pain and it was very difficult to use the restroom after first waking up.  Actually it has been difficult to use the toilet all day since my right leg has not gotten any better.  I was doing a little bit of research about the issue of my leg not locking out and from what I have gathered it might have something to do with my tendons in my right knee.  Of course this happened on a Friday afternoon so I will need to wait until Monday to speak with my doctor about this.  I hope it is not something serious, I dread if it is something I need to get surgery on.  If I do, then I will go through with it but only if there is nothing else that can be done to help it.  Because I obviously need to be able to stand to do quite a few things.  Otherwise I have been trying to be positive about most everything else.  I did not do much work on my book today, I basically was very lazy, playing video games a lot today.  I did not even make my bed and I like to pride myself that I can do that.  I usually try to do that first thing in the morning, about an hour or so after I wake up.  I think it is cool that I can still do that really well.

D 23 is happening this weekend, this is the big Disney celebration that is put on every two years.  So far there has been news on Marvel's Infinity War movie.  I guess there was some footage shown at the event.  From the info I was able to see online, it was pretty amazing and that makes me super hyped about this movie.  Hopefully we will get a proper trailer within the next few days.  Maybe a trailer for the new Star Wars movie as well.

Well, that is all I am writing for the night.  I hope each and every one of you has a great day or night, take care!


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