Hello all, I am back for tonight.  Took the night off last night, was really tired and wanted to go to bed early.  That never really works out for me as I did not get to sleep till around 10 pm, I tried to sleep at 7:30 pm.  Oh well, just normal for me these days.  Well, my day has been pretty slow and a little boring but I like those days, you get a lot of things done in your head.  I did get out today, even though I still cannot straighten my right leg fully yet but I can put almost half my weight on it.  Which is a big step up from a few days ago.  I just have to consciously tell myself that I cannot fully extend my right leg, my left leg is fine though.  I was able to transfer in and out of the van fine, putting most of my weight on my left leg, the one I had surgery on in 1997.  In 20 years it has held up really well, even though I have not been using it much in the last 13 years.  So they should work just fine, that was not a whole lot of use then.  Anyway, my pain has been pretty high today, low of an 8 and highs of over 10 so I guess it averages at a 9.5.

So, first for me to talk about is the shooting that happened up in Minneapolis.  From information I have found about this story, this was the first Somali born man to become a police officer for this area.  It is horrible because the woman that called 911, who was reporting a sexual assault behind where she was, is the young lady who was shot.  It was something horrible that happened and I think the family deserves answers.  The lady was also from Australia, so this does not look too good on America.  Also, this is the first big shooting of a white woman by a black officer.  It is interesting how the media is covering this, since they normally only cover white cops shooting black people.

So, that is all for tonight, I am getting really tired as it is 8 pm.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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