Good day, yawning, UK baby, Spiderman Homecoming

Hi there everyone, I am back.  I hope you all are doing great today, I am doing pretty well.  My father came down and I helped him order some stuff for his new toy and we hung out for a little while.  That was fun, always good to hang out with one, if not both, of my parents.  Pain wise I have had a little trouble today, since I am out of oxys, but I am trying to stay positive about things until next Monday when I do have an appointment with my new pain doc.  Hopefully we can figure something out.  It has been one of those days where I keep yawning, I have not tried to take a nap today or anything but I have not been sleeping very well lately.  So I think that is the reason for all the yawning but I am just guessing.  I have done this a lot before and it usually lasts for about 3 days.  I am planning on going to bed a little early, hence I am writing this a little early.  Guess we will see.

So, one of the big things in the news is about the small child in the UK named Charlie Gard who has a rare genetic condition of mitochondrial disease.  I guess that the UK government is not letting the child leave because it would risk the childs life to leave the hospital it is at now.  I have not read much about this but did want to comment, since I also have a rare genetic disorder, although not as serious as this little guy.  He has a tough road ahead of him, I do not try to act like I know that he will be alright or anything but if he survives the next month or so it will go a long way to his family.  I am sure the baby is strong willed and is putting up a good fight with this disease.  I wish all the best for him and the family in the future.

Tomorrow is the premier of the new Spiderman Homecoming!  I am going to the 7:00 pm premier so I will write my thoughts on the movie afterwards.  I will keep it as I usually do and not reveal any spoilers, at least tomorrow night.

Well, that is all I have for you tonight.  I hope each of you has a great day or night, take care!


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