No Gym Today, Wish I Could Have Talked About Them All, Comparisions to 1918 Flu, Finally Some Good News, Africa May Be Splitting, Other Good News

 Hey everyone, I hope things are going great today!  My Thursday wasn't too bad although I do feel a little bad since I didn't make it to the gym today.  I wouldn't even be able to go to the gym after I write this since they close at like 9 pm.  I'll just go in tomorrow before I go get the boys at 10 and I'll do a little more to make up for the missed day.  There seemed to be a problem with my post from last night, like it didn't publish the right way or something.  I don't know but it says I have had some people view it so I guess it worked even though it kinda didn't.  Strange stuff.  Well, time to get into it!

Conspiracy Day!  I would love to talk about most of these but that would take up too much space, some of these just show how brainless some people can be and that some people will believe anything.  A few of these conspiracy theories are out there but they are funny to read.  A very common one is thrown in here, that Elvis is still alive.  Even if he was still alive he would have to be pretty old and probably not recognizable.  The first one I'll talk about is the one saying that Hillary Clinton's campaign logo is a nod and "proof" that she had something to do with the tragic events of 9/11.  This is a case of people with too much time on their hands reading into stuff.  I may really not like the woman but I don't think she had anything to do with what happened on that fateful day.  The next crazy one is, President Obama is actually the son of Malcom X.  This is just another case of two people that vaguely look similar and people have to make all kinds of weird connections.  If you take photos of two people at just the right angles then of course you can make this claim, also I know many people that are related and do not look anything like each other.  Side note, a while back in I think Denmark a white woman gave birth to twins, one was white like her and the other came out as black as can be.  Of course the husband immediately thought something fishy was going on until a doctor explained that this can happen, it's very rare but it has happened before in history.  I'm sure that was a crazy scene.  Here is that webpage with more crazy conspiracy theories, have fun;

Not sure if I quite agree with this assessment but I'm sure they are not far off from each other.  Now I do not know all the numbers but what I remember reading and studying the Spanish Flu from over 100 years ago I think the one from 1918 was more deadly, at least it would strike more sudden and cause death quicker than Covid.  That is the question many are trying to figure out, is what we are dealing with now worse than what happened in 1918?  Some scientists have come to the conclusion that Covid is just as bad, a few think Covid is worse but some think the Spanish Flu was worse.  I think the 1918 flu is a lot worse than what we are seeing now though.  Of course I cannot talk about what effects is worse or how it's treated but I know that the flu from 1918 killed a little faster.  So this question will still be going on even when everything is cleaned up.  Here is an article on it;

I think this article brings good news, that China is not going to be the defacto factory for the world going forward.  The article is mostly about a talk of a Foxxcon employee, talking about how things are moving away from China for a few reasons but mainly tariffs and the ongoing trade war with the United States.  I hope that more manufacturing jobs come back to America, it was terrible when President Bill Clinton allowed those jobs to go over to China or somewhere else.  All in the hopes of saving a few dollars since they make the Chinese worker work 16 hours and pay them slave wages.  Many companies are going to have to answer for that but Congress will probably just bury it.  Anyway, here is that article;

This is something that I remember hearing about years ago when I was in college but haven't heard anything about since and I couldn't find anything about it so I pretty much forgot about it.  This article talks about a rift in Africa that is widening and could soon house a small ocean.  I'm not going to explain too much here, the article does a much better job that I can do.  Not much we can do to stop it though, it's just plate tectonics.  Here is that article;

As most of you know, I don't like that weird state out west and have even less love for the city of San Francisco but it seems that people there have done a really good thing.  In the early days of the Covid crisis in America I talked about the need for not just a vaccine but an anti-viral medicine, thinking we shouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket.  Now it seems that researchers at UC in San Francisco have developed a nasal spray anit-viral that could help with keeping the virus away.  Here is a short video on it;

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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