Busy Day, Cody Coming Back?, Can't Shoot Straight

 Hey there everyone, I hope things are going great!  My day was good but was pretty busy honestly, the boys were on something today.  I wasn't able to get much of anything done while they were here.  I have a few things I need to do tonight, I have to take a few assessments for jobs I'm working on trying to get.  So I'm going to cut this first part short because of that.  Let me get into it!

Star Wars Day!  I'm really hyped for the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, wish we had a release date or at least more info on what will happen.  But that's alright, I'm sure it will be great.  Now there is a rumor going around that the second in command for Kenobi during the Clone Wars, Cody, will be coming back somehow.  The only way I could think that he could show up is in flashbacks as I'm sure he doesn't even remember Obi-Wan anymore and even if he somehow did then it wouldn't matter, he would try to kill him as he drinks the kool-aid of the Empire.  One other thing that has me thinking this show will do well is that the director, Deborah Chow.  Also, I love that Ewan McGegor is coming back.  Well, here is an article on this; https://www.cbr.com/kenobi-rumor-clone-wars-commander-cody-disney-series/

This is something you won't hear much on places like CNN or any of the other liberal rags out there.  The violence in Chicago is just horrible, over 50 shootings, 10 dead.  This short video also talks about a 14 year old girl shot in Kentucky, also a 5 year old girl shot while sleeping in her bed in Ohio and in St. Louis a police officer was killed.  When will this stop and I would bet good money that none of these so called caring liberals or BLM will talk about any of it.  The killings up in Chicago are just what's supposed to happen and nobody wants to do anything about it.  It's really bad when these young kids get shot by stray bullets.  It is a problem that these gangbangers cannot shoot straight but I guarantee you that the cops shooting back at you are a lot better shots.  Something major needs to happen.  Here is that short video; https://www.yahoo.com/news/over-50-people-shot-10-155802658.html

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that each of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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