New Mutants Review
So I finally watched New Mutants and I'm going to write my review of the movie here. I watched it up in Moberly with my cousin, I hadn't been to that theater for very many years and they made some big improvements except they took the games out but now have a bar where they serve liquor. Guess that's good. Anyway, let me get into it!
New Mutants review with SPOILERS at the end. So I'll start this off just talking generally and first off this movie did not move me in any significant way. Not saying that I expected this movie to do that but it was a decent mutant comic book movie. Out of the Fox X-Men movies I would say this is in the bottom 2 or 3, along with winners like X-Men Origins: Wolverine and X-Men: The Last Stand. It isn't the worst comic book movie I've ever watched in the theater before, probably the two Fox Fantastic Four movies would win that and it was a lot better than the horrible 2015 Fantfourstic. So basically it's no Avengers or anything but it's decent. I fully expect Disney to just put this movie on Disney+ right away, Dani Moonstar is supposed to be the main hero but I think she was overshadowed by Magik or Illyana Rasputin who is the sister of Colossus. Out of the 5 mutants in the movie that are the New Mutants, I think that Magik will be the only one that could cross over to the main MCU timeline. But not real sure about this yet. I know the villain of the movie, Demon Bear was an early threat to the New Mutants in the comics but I wasn't really that impressed. I was impressed more by something that I'll talk about soon. One thing I didn't like was the long time in the middle where not much happens but there always is something that helps out with the story I guess so it wasn't all bad. Now, onto SPOILERS!
Now for the SPOILERS, you are warned. This may just be a personal choice but it's my blog and I'll talk about what I want. I never thought in the comics that Dani Moonstar was a very interesting character really, still don't totally get her powers, every other mutant in the movie has offensive based powers but we really don't know much about the powers of Dr. Reyes, who is one of the villains of this piece. Plus, the part I thought was more interesting that the Demon Bear part was that Dr. Reyes would always talk about her benefactor or the people who were really in charge. Later on in the movie one of the kids hints that this mysterious benefactor was none other than Professor X, which may have made a little sense except he will accept any student that comes to his door. Later we see Dr. Reyes typing on a computer and then see a sign that says Essex on it. Now Essex is a direct tie in to one of the X-Men's biggest foes, Mr. Sinister, his real name is Nathaniel Essex. He manipulates and experiments with mutants to find out what abilities they may be hiding so he can use those people. But even higher up the ladder is Apocalypse. I'm sure when this movie was originally at Fox they had plans for doing something more and introducing Mr. Sinister at some point but it's never going to happen now.
Anyway, that is my review. If you are a Marvel fan or just want to watch something for an hour and a half then check this out, it won't hurt anything. It's not as bad as some of the other mistakes that Fox made with the X-Men. Let me know what you think.
That's all for me, I'll be back tomorrow to start the week off. Everybody take care and stay safe!