More Trouble, Great Director, Not Sleeping Well in Seattle, No Consensus, Stupid Decisions, Who She is and Not What She Is About

 Hey there guys, hope things are going great!  So my day was pretty good, didn't do anything exciting though.  I had a bit of trouble while eating lunch with swallowing, I could feel exactly where it is that I'm having trouble in my esophagus. I've been trying to consciously remember to chew food a little more than before, even though I don't sometimes because I just forget.  Hope they can figure things out for me soon about this.  I'll probably find out more about this next week when I have an appointment with GI.  So anyway, let me get into it!  

MCU Day!  I have talked about a Thunderbolts movie before I really want to see one made but now it seems as if a certain MCU director has thrown his hat into the ring.  I guess James Gunn has talked about wanting to do a film on the team and I think he would be great.  Apparently Kevin Feige told Gunn he could do a movie about the Thunderbolts as long as Guardians of the Galaxy did well.  Now we are 6 years past the first one and it did gangbusters at the box office.  Guardians was a group not that many have even heard of, not even a lot of fans of the comics knew much about that team at the time and nobody expected the movie to do as well as it did.  I think Guardians was the biggest surprise of the MCU to date, I really didn't think it would do all that well, I figured it would make a profit but not too much of one, but that movie blew everyone away and I think Gunn should get the reins of the Thunderbolts when that one gets made, he has proved himself.  This movie wouldn't come out for quite a while as Marvel has most of their dates used up in the next couple of years.  He would do great with it, he would put in enough humor much like he did in Guardians and make it great!  Here is an article on this;

Here is another story about the fall out of the stupid decision in Seattle to defund police, a small business is packing up and leaving and I can't blame them.  It sounds like things have gotten much worse over time for the people in this business.  I think this is just the start and many more businesses will be leaving Seattle and I will applaud all of them.  Hopefully things will work out for this business.  Here is a short video on this;

So at least there is someone standing firm on not wearing masks, I was waiting for this person.  A sheriff in Marion county in Florida has made it clear that his deputies are not to wear masks, except for the ones that work in or near the hospital.  He makes it clear by saying that not every "expert" is on the same page with wearing a mask.  Plus, this mask mandate or whatever you want to call it has been in effect now in most places for at least a month and we are seeing a spike in cases, so this clearly isn't working to stop the spread.  Even though we have been working and researching this virus since early this year we still do not know a whole lot about it.  It seems that almost every day the CDC comes out with new symptoms for the virus.  Why can't any one of these "experts" just come out and say, we don't have a clue about this thing.  Is it that hard to just say you don't understand something?  Idiots, all of them.  Here is an article on that;

That state out west that I don't like to say the name of is really messing things up and it's going to cost millions of citizens in that state.  Just another stupid mistake by that state.  Of course labor unions and elected officials say that in the article because they will make more money if Uber and Lyft drivers are classified as employees, which they shouldn't be as that would be stupid.  So now Lyft and Uber are thinking they might have to leave the state and I'm sure the food and grocery delivering services will leave too if things change like it looks.  There are 49 other states that would be happy to have the headquarters of those companies in their cities.  Let's isolate that terrible state and I hope everyone leaves soon.  Here is an article on this;

I'm not going to write too much on this and I didn't even read the whole article but what was said in the title is true, Kamala Harris was picked because of who she is, not what she stands for.  Just like I said, this is going to be bad because the person picked to stand beside the crazy old man Biden is not going to be chosen because they are the best for the position of VP but because they are a black female.  This will blow up in their faces.  Here is the article;

Well, that' all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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