Bad Fall, More Misconceptions, Too Much Thought, Stop Going on Break, Kicked Out of the Bubble

 Hey there all, hope your week is ending on the right note!  I really hope that all of you had a better day than what happened with me.  I had a really bad fall this morning after using the restroom.  I was standing up to get my shorts up and all of a sudden my left foot sweep over to my right foot, it was almost like they were magnets that were attracted to each other.  I fell on my left side and mostly fell of my left hip which now hurts like crazy.  My left hand took quite a bit of a beating and it really hurts while I try to push my chair.  It hurts mostly in my left hand from my wrist up to about the middle of my hand.  Also seemed to hurt my left elbow but it's not as bad as my hand and my hip.  I'm just falling apart, oh well.  Well, it's time to get to it!

Potluck Day!  As most of you might already know, I love to read about historical misconceptions.  It just goes to show, that along with conspiracy theories, people will believe anything they read on the internet.  I mean, the old saying that we swallow about 8 spiders a year was put on the net by someone wanting to see how these things spread and that people on the internet do not properly source their info.  So this list has a few that I've talked about before but there are a few I haven't talked about so let's get into it.  First off, Ninjas did not wear all black outfits.  The Ninja were just farmers that were fed up with the ruling class in Japan and would wear whatever they had available and were damn good at what they did.  Read some stories about real Ninjas sometime, they were pretty badass.  Next is Nero fiddled while Rome burned.  This is wrong on a few levels, first the fiddle wasn't created for a few more hundred years and Nero wasn't even in Rome at the time of the great fire, he was at his vacation spot about 40 miles away.  But when Nero heard about the fire he hurried back to Rome to help with the clean up and help the people with things like food or a place to live, not so bad of a guy after all.  I really hate this one, Ben Franklin did not discover electricity, it was being written about by the ancient Egyptians a few thousand years before he decided to fly a kite in a thuderstorm.  His little kite flying experiment was to see how lightning behaved but I wouldn't put much past old Ben.  Here is a list with a few more on it, enjoy;

This is another one of those times where people read way to much into something.  Down in Australia there was a cartoon in one of the newspapers there and it was about Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris.  It's been called all sorts of names and probably the editor of the newspaper has been called some names also.  Some people, and in this case the left, are way too sensitive and cannot take a joke or even understand them.  Basically the paper was using Joe Biden's words against him and people didn't like that, grow up.  He only picked Harris because she thinks she is black, her parents were from India and Jamaca so I don't think that makes her "African-American", as I've said before I don't believe in hyphenated nationalities, you are either American or you can get out as there is plenty of room for you with radicals like ISIS.  Here is the article on that;

No article for this one, just a personal tirade.  It seems like it was just last week when the Senate came back from "vacation" and now they just left for another one until Labor Day.  For one, they need to stop taking all these breaks that last for weeks at a time because what they do is not a job, at least not in the real sense, the people in Congress are serving the public at our pleasure and we should let them know how much we don't like these tax payer vacations when we vote in November.  When they do take breaks then it should only be for a week at a time, that's what people get that have real jobs.  Another thing, they should have to pay for their own plane trips, no matter where they go.  They get to go anywhere in this great country or even the world on the backs of tax paying citizens and that needs to stop.  The elected officials need to own up to their far more easy life, they get paid way too much in my opinion.  And the elected officials in Congress should not get a pension when they leave office and learn what to do much like us "regular" people.  

A photographer that works in the NBA has now been kicked out of the bubble because of a not so smart post in social media referring to Kamala Harris.  This happened shortly after Biden announced that Harris was is Vice President pick.  It was like a campaign logo and it says, "Jo and the Ho".  It may be in bad taste but it's not that far from the truth, it has been widely reported about how Harris got to where she is in politics, she slept around.  Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco, has gone around bragging about the affair he had with Kamala Harris.  He has even wrote a book about this subject and some have alled her the "mattress" of california politics.  Here is that article about that photographer;

That is it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care and stay safe!


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