Taking it Tomorrow, Big Movie Push Back, Actual Good Executive Order, Definitely Not the First
Hey everyone, hope your week is ending in the right way! Today wasn't too bad, didn't really do a whole lot different but it was an alright day. Didn't have to watch the kids today so that was good and I had a good workout at the gym. Going to spend a little extra time at the gym tomorrow and then when I get done I will retake that test for the job, hope I can pull it off. If I don't I'm not sure if I will retake the test again if they offer it to me. Failing it has put a little hit on my mental health and I don't want to keep disappointing myself. Anyway, let me get into it!
Potluck Day! If you are a movie fan, at least of Disney per this post, then you are pretty upset at what chaos this virus has caused. Most everything got pushed back and the page I'll link will have some changes on it for you. A few movies have just been postponed indefinitely. The biggest news I think that is dealt with is the moving of the next Star Wars trilogy to 2023. So now we have to wait three years for another movie about Star Wars but at least they have some stuff coming out on Disney+ until then, otherwise there would be huge fan backlash, more than this last trilogy has spawned. The Avatar sequels now have a release date, the next one is coming in December 2022, taking the Star Wars spot, which I think is a mistake but we will see. I wasn't really a big fan of Avatar, mostly because I went to watch it in 3-D and it really hurt my eyes and I haven't watched it since. So now I just don't go to those movies. There are a few other new movie release dates on here, here is that webpage; https://wdwnt.com/2020/07/next-star-wars-trilogy-avatar-sequels-and-more-disney-films-postponed/
I am normally not a fan of executive orders but I think this is a good use of that power. President Trump signed the orders to lower drug prices that he says hurts a lot of American people. This was mostly done, he says, to help elderly people who were being taken advantage of. I seen something on this saying that the president has done a work around to lower the price of insulin, which I think is a very good move since insulin can really cost people, sometimes in the thousands of dollar range. So I think this is very helpful and I support this decision. Of course the left will figure out some way to make President Trump look bad but I think he got it right here. Here is an article on it; https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-mocks-rich-people-called-195300871.html
Here is a stark example of why they shouldn't let Joe Biden speak without a teleprompter. Recently the presumptive democratic nominee said that President Trump is the first president elected that was racist, I mean I can think of 5 off the top of my head that actually owned slaves and at least one more who halted the advances of black Americans when he was elected. This someone working on the Biden campaign tried to spin this but the cats already out of the bag. Of course they are mad that the president keeps calling the virus China virus and the Wuhan virus, that is where the virus started and it was the fault of China that made it an international incident. Something should be done against them but the left love China for some reason, mostly cause they are all communist in all but name. I mean, Biden should have remembered some of the past presidents that owned people, he was alive then. Here is that article; https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/22/biden-trump-first-racist-president-378834
Well that's all for me this week. I really do hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care and stay safe!