Not as Expensive, Just the Facts Ma'am, Might Have More Money in Your Pocket, Very Important Article

Hey there, hope your Friday is going great!  So my day, it went alright and I did see that new dentist place today.  They came back with a better price than all those other dentists had, beat them by over 50%, so now I just have to figure out how to take care of this issue.  I think I have figured out what I'm going to do on Friday's now, I thought about doing a potluck or basically I just pick something to talk about.  And since I am big on facts I found this new website called Factrepublic that has some good facts lists.  So I will talk about a few like usual and then add the webpage.  Let me not waste time and get to it!  

Potluck Day!  Factrepublic is a pretty cool place that has a lot of facts lists, it would take a while to get through them all.  The first one I'll talk about is kinda nasty.  Venice, a city that is pretty much underwater, the canal system that the city is mostly flooded with also serves as their sewer system.  Why that is even more nasty is that people regularly walk or wade in that water.  Venice is a beautiful city but this takes that down a little.  The term Gremlins was coined during WWII to explain mechanical problems with their planes that couldn't be understood.  Reading this made me think back to that Twilight Zone episode where there was a gremlin on the wing, that was the only episode that creeped me out, the others I thought were funny.  Here is that list, there are two pages;

I noticed this article on Yahoo and had to talk about it, it's something I've known for a long time but I'm a currency collector.  It talks about how some American bills have a little star after the serial number, that means they are replacement notes.  It means there was some kind of mess up with the first batch so they had to make this new batch with the star on it because they cannot print the same serial number a second time.  So always look at you cash, it could be worth money, go on Ebay and search for that one and it could be worth way more than what it actually says on the bill.  Another thing, United States bills are not made with any paper, as paper is very terrible at getting wet.  Instead they are made from cotton and linen, which is much stronger.  Sometimes you might pull a U.S. bill out of the wash and that's because it's not made from paper.  Here is that article;

This is a very important article to read, especially for today.  It uses facts to show that police do not target black people, white people are killed by police at a higher rate, but no one wants to hear that, they only want to hear stories where the police are the boogeymen of this country.  Taking money from the police departments will be very disastrous and there will be more killings because the police will not be around to help.  Read this, it's important;

Well I'm done for tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a wonderful weekend, take care and stay safe! 


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