Lots of Paperwork, Another Group MCU Bound?, Deadliest Conspiracy in America, Don't Plant Those Free Seeds, Finally Got Those Answers

Hey there everyone, hope things are going great!  You may have noticed that I skipped writing on Wednesday and there is a reason for it.  I was filling out paperwork for that 911 job, there is a lot there, 25 pages.  But they do have to make sure they have good people working there.  So I will write the MCU thing I was going to write last night.  So let me get into it!  

MCU Yesterday!  This one rumor may be very thoughtful but it might not happen, as there isn't any official word from the nerd king Kevin Feige yet.  But I still think this would be great to bring to either film or the small screen, there is a whole lot you can do.  One thing that they won't be able to do is the storyline where the Illuminati shoot Hulk off into space since that has kinda been done, sort of.  Also, one of the founding members is now deceased in the MCU, Iron Man so they would have to figure out who would replace him.  As long as the MCU has Reed Richards and Dr. Strange then I think they can make that team work.  Here is the article about it I found; https://mcucosmic.com/2020/07/22/marvel-rumored-to-be-developing-an-illuminati-project/

Conspiracy Day!  This is a short article I found but everything about it is not.  This is, as is said in the article, the deadliest and costliest conspiracy in the history of the United States of America.  It has to deal with the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the reason for America to go there in the first place.  At the time the main reason was purported to be because of WMD's but that was a boldface lie and has been proven as such since.  Many people thought that President Bush 43 was going in to take care of Saddam for his father, President Bush 41.  I never thought that was the full reason but I think it did play a small part of why we went over there.  Another weird conspiracy theory was that Saddam had met with bin Laden but this has been proven to not be the case as the two Arabs hated each other, plus Saddam was smart enough not to do something so bold as to attack the worlds only superpower.  So now we have to live with this even though we all know the truth, it sucks.  Here is that page; https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/10/09/the-deadliest-costliest-conspiracy-in-us-history

This is a story I first ran across on Facebook but dismissed it as most things on the social media site are fake.  It appears that people across the U.S. and Canada have been receiving strange packages with seeds in them, at least they appear to be seeds.  No telling what they actually are, they look to come from China but of course the Chinese government denies this, what a shock.  They could very well be seeds of plants that are harmful to the environment over here.  I'm sure the conspiracy theorists out there will come up with a good one on this, maybe they will sprout something that could take over the country, something crazy like that.  Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/u-warns-against-planting-mystery-012855878.html

I think this was a pretty cool story, but I'm a history nerd and like this kind of stuff.  Scientists have now found out a little more about Stonehenge, something that's been baffling researchers since it was rediscovered in modern times.  Now it has been found that 50 of the sandstone megaliths have an origin about 15 miles away.  Some of these stones are massive and it must have been a huge undertaking to move them without the aid of modern equipment.  Some of them are up to 30 tons, we may never know exactly how they were moved or what the exact purpose of the site was to early man.  But if you want there are plenty of different conspiracy theories online about them right now and you can see what some crazy people think.  Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-solve-mystery-origin-stonehenge-025513928.html

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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