Didn't Pass Again, Next Threat, Minimum Wage Raises Today, Bobby Bonilla Day, Finally Getting Done
Hey there all, I hope the middle of your week is going great! My day was alright except for one thing, I retook that 911 test again this morning and I did a little better on two modules that I failed the first time but still failed one. The woman told me that I can take it one more time and she would get ahold of me in about 10 days or so. I'll take it again and I will get it this time. Didn't do much else today so I should go on and get to it!
MCU Day! Obviously it's apparent that the MCU needs another new big bad after Thanos but I hope they don't jump the gun and introduce that character right away. Doctor Doom is the most logical choice here but they should have him pulling the strings in the background for at least a few phases before he is brought out front an center. Maybe throw in a few lesser villains first, I know that Doom and the Fantastic Four are linked at the hip but maybe for their first fight they should go up against someone like Mole Man or save Doom for later and have Annihilus be the big foil that the Avengers have to come together to defeat in phase 5 or something like that. Molecule Man is someone they could use but I feel he may be too powerful at this time. I'm sure it'll be fine no matter what though. Here is an article on this; https://bgr.com/2020/06/28/marvel-movies-mcu-phase-4-villain-fantastic-four-doctor-doom/
Of course, like with anything there are two sides to this thing and both have merits. First I'll put it out there that I am against minimum wage, when it was introduced we really needed it but now I think the free market will work things out and get the best employees. As of today, July 1st, many states and cities are raising their minimum wage and many are against it, especially in this economic climate we find ourselves in now. I think that by doing this it will ultimately hurt jobs by forcing some to close down. Back in the day, many years ago, people understood that you cannot make a living off the minimum wage so that meant you had to work to get a better job. But now these people are wanting everything handed to them, like fast food workers wanting $15.00 an hour, why do they deserve that when they can't even get your order right. I understand that not all orders are messed up but it is a significant amount. Why settle for a job flipping burgers at minimum wage when you can work just a little harder and get a job that pays a little more, the answer to that is people don't think they should have to work harder for better pay and that's the problem. Until we figure that out things will never change. Here is an article on this; https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/minimum-wage-us-2020-222757281.html
I haven't been a real baseball fan for about 25 years but this day is always nice to see. Happy Bobby Bonilla Day! On this day until 2036 he will get paid for doing nothing, $1.193 million. It's a little funny that players are now reporting to training camp for the shortened season that starts at the end of the month and Bonilla is making more money than some of those players. At least I find it a little funny. Here is an article; https://www.yahoo.com/sports/baseballs-favorite-holiday-is-here-happy-bobby-bonilla-day-170757675.html
I think this went on too long, it should have been put down shortly after starting. I'm talking about the Seattle CHOP. Finally the democratic mayor gave the order to send the police in and retake the area. It has been pretty lawless up there lately, there were a lot of violence and two fatal shootings of two teenagers. How did these idiots think this was going to end? I'm glad it's coming to an end. Here is an article on it; https://www.yahoo.com/gma/seattle-police-clear-chop-zone-arrests-mayors-executive-124601033--abc-news-topstories.html''
That's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!