Boring Day, Great Mafia Story, The Couple Was Right, Feel A Little Bad

Hey everyone, hope your day is going great!  Pretty boring day really, didn't do much but watch the boys for a few hours.  Looks like I might be watching them more here soon since she has found a new job were she works nights.  Oh well, gives me something to do.  Without further ado, let me get into it!

History Day!  I have a very large fascination with the Mafia that operates in this country and the old country of Italy and is one of the reasons why I liked this story when I read it a little while back, I wanted to share it with all of you.  I'm not going into the full history of the Italian mob in America here but a little part of it starting in 1942.  A troop transport ship, the SS Normandie, was a smoking wreck of a ship in the New York harbor and many people feared that either Italy or Germany were able to sneak agents into the country to carry out this attack, which Germany did but that's a whole other story.  Fearing this, the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence decided to team up with the American Mafia.  The man they approached suggested they seek the help of a mobster that was locked up, Lucky Luciano who still had total control over the docks.  It was a great mission titled Operation Underworld, that was a time when we could name things better than today but I would urge anyone who is interested in this side of American life to look it up on you own as this story doesn't do it justice but gets the story out there.  Here is a link to that page;

I'm sure that most of you have seen something regarding this, it's about that couple over in St. Louis that pointed guns at protesters that were walking through their yard.  They didn't shoot anybody, all they were doing was protecting themselves and their property and in Missouri that is totally legal.  But the St. Louis Circuit attorney Kim Gardner thinks otherwise and she is helping to try to bring charges against the couple.  The couple that brought the guns out are also lawyers so they know the law pretty well and I'm sure they thought this action through.  One thing not a lot of people are talking about is that in some parts of St. Louis things are very different, I'm not sure the exact neighborhood but in certain ones the sidewalks and roads are owned and run by the people that live there and those protesters were trespassing through the McCloskeys property even if they were walking on the road.  The Missouri governor and attoney general have come out in support of the couple so I don't think much is going to get done to them in the end.  Also, I read one report that a few of the protesters had weapons on them such as AR-15 and other handguns, so they may have been worried for their lives also and not just property.  Here is an article talking about this;

I don't typically as a rule feel sorry for other people, especially those more well off than I am but I think they are just picking on this woman.  I don't know this woman, the press secretary Kayleigh McEnany but I think the media has been going too hard on her lately.  And I did use the "they" as a reference to the media.  Like her I also believe that the media is trying to stir up fear, that's one thing have been getting good at, and some of it is the peoples fault for falling for it.  That's why I've said during all this that one of the best things you can, especially for your mental health, is to turn off the mainstream news and also limit your time on social media.  One thing that was wrong in this article is saying that 3.8 million infections is a world record, this was for the coronavirus cases, but we do not know the real numbers for China because they lie about everything.  The way I read that the first time was that it was a world record of all time and that isn't the case, the 1918 Spanish Flu was way worse.  Anyway, here is that article;

That's it for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!


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