Not as Much Pushing, Maybe Not, Dumb Person, Big Problem

Hi there everyone, hope your Monday is great!  So today was good, didn't do anything special but it was good.  Had a good total arm workout at the gym, been doing a few different things.  I did a little rolling around today but not as much as yesterday.  I'm starting to do my long pushes every other day, it's too hot out to do it every day.  Well, guess I should get into it!  

Star Wars Day!  So I wrote about this last week or before that but it may have been jumping the gun just a little, that Disney was going to retcon the entire sequel trilogy.  After reading the article I'm going to add I have to agree with their points that Disney is not going to, basically remake the sequel trilogy because a lot of fans were pissed at the creative direction taken.  First you have to look at the fact that Carrie Fisher passed away after Episode VIII so they wouldn't be able to have Leia in the new sequel trilogy.  Then you have to think about costs, movies are very expensive and studios will only take one on if they think they can make a profit.  To make a profit on a modern movie you have to make double or so what it cost to make the movie in the first place.  So lets say one movie costs $100 million to make, after you factor in marketing that means the movie needs to make at least $200 million at the box office to be considered a success.  Now Star Wars movies always make a lot of money and I'm sure they would make the money back but then you have to think about time.  Like everyone else, actors age and can age out of roles or in rare instances they will age into them but the core of this franchise is getting up there in age.  So I don't think they will remake them but there is a chance that these movies are written off as Veils of the Force or something like that.  Anyway, here is that article;

Man this woman is dumb, she doesn't even realize why there is an increase in crime in New York City,  Then again, would you trust someone that thinks a garbage disposal is a magic device, I'm of course talking about AOC. She thinks it has to do with unemployment and that moms gotta steal food for their kids.  I am sure that unemployment has a little to do with it, idle hands and all but that is not the only reason.  Some of it may have to do with so many cops retiring, they have had a huge spike of that in NYC recently, they just don't want something bad to happen.  So I can't really blame them.  Might also have to do with the governor taking away some police powers.  Well, here is that article of the dumb woman;

This seems to be a huge problem in NYC and maybe in other bigger cities, rats are becoming more bold and almost attacking people outside to get some food.  This is a result of the virus that's affecting the world at this time.  Like any other type of animal, the rats got used to all the food that is dropped or thrown away in the city but with people not really being able to go out to eat the rats are more desperate.  I am sure NYC rats are horrible and I'm sure this is a big problem but I'm sure the elected officials will say that we have more important things to worry about right now, we do but I'm sure all these rats are causing a real problem for the citizens of the city.  I used to work at a chicken factory before I fell in the wheelchair and the rats that we had there were bigger than a raccoon, they were pretty scary.  They get so big because all they do is eat that protein and breading down in the storage area.  I know guys that wouldn't go down there by themselves, funny stuff how scared some people got around them.  Anyway, here is an article about the rats in NYC;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care and stay safe!


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