Somewhere Different, Bad Conspiracy Theories, No Reason For It, Snyder Cut, Alligator Virus
Hey there everyone, I hope your day is going well! Just another normal boring day for me. If my gym doesn't open up soon, like Monday soon, I'm going to join another gym, at least for a little while. It's hard to beat $10 a month and I like the people that work there, I think I've made a few friends but I'm tired of not pumping iron. If my gym doesn't open on Monday then I'm going to go around town to see how much different gyms are. My dad did come down today, always good to see family. But anyway, let me get into it!
Conspiracy Day! This top 10 list from Listverse is so good, it was hard for me to pick out a few to talk about but I did manage it. It's just so crazy, goes to show you that people will believe anything you put in front of them from time to time. The first one I'll talk about is probably the first conspiracy theory that I ever heard about, that Saddam Hussein owned a stargate. I remember this very well from my teenage years because I really liked the StarGate movie that came out and then this conspiracy theory was running like crazy because of the movie, never mind that nobody ever thought about this before the movie came out, it's like some people cannot tell fact from fiction. Next is one I really haven't heard about as much, all the others I have at least some passing knowledge of though. This one is called the NESARA law, don't you love how the government likes to give things acronyms. Anyway, this is one you can really use for just about any conspiracy theory out there, kind of a catchall. I don't think that President Clinton signed anything like this while he was going out of office but it's hard to stop a conspiracy, especially when there is so much you can cram into it. Here is that list;
Sometimes people can be just senseless in what they do, there was no reason to destroy a city because of the mistreatment of one person. And during the riots in Minneapolis resulted in at least one shooting death, while a man tried to rob a pawn shop. What happened to George Floyd was very wrong but for this to be the answer to it is horrible. Like somebody said in the article I found for this, I support the protest but not the looting. Stores were burned down and looted, that didn't need to happen. It's no surprise that a person I don't like very much, Colin Kaepernick, that idiot, saying that the looting and rioting is justified. That man is a real idiot. Here is an article about the riots;
So the Snyder cut of Justice League is coming next year on HBO Max, I'm pretty pumped for it. The Justice League movie we got was not as terrible as a lot of people like to think it is, I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was the best thing I had ever seen before. It was a decent movie that entertained me, it did have a few flaws but most movies have flaws. I watched a pretty good video on the Snyder cut from Mr. Sunday Movies on Youtube and they bring up some interesting points. The biggest one is that Snyder will leave things open ended enough to mean that a sequel will need to be made and released by HBO Max. I think that would be really cool. Anyway, here is that video;
Of course there will be a second wave of infections to hit the country. Did anyone really not think there would not be a second wave? Most everyone assumes that there will be some sort of second wave, we just don't know what it will look like or when it'll happen. Even after things have calmed down with this virus there will be a new virus in a few years, it'll probably be the Alligator virus or something like that. I just threw out the first thing I think of at that time. Here is an article on it;
That's all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!
Conspiracy Day! This top 10 list from Listverse is so good, it was hard for me to pick out a few to talk about but I did manage it. It's just so crazy, goes to show you that people will believe anything you put in front of them from time to time. The first one I'll talk about is probably the first conspiracy theory that I ever heard about, that Saddam Hussein owned a stargate. I remember this very well from my teenage years because I really liked the StarGate movie that came out and then this conspiracy theory was running like crazy because of the movie, never mind that nobody ever thought about this before the movie came out, it's like some people cannot tell fact from fiction. Next is one I really haven't heard about as much, all the others I have at least some passing knowledge of though. This one is called the NESARA law, don't you love how the government likes to give things acronyms. Anyway, this is one you can really use for just about any conspiracy theory out there, kind of a catchall. I don't think that President Clinton signed anything like this while he was going out of office but it's hard to stop a conspiracy, especially when there is so much you can cram into it. Here is that list;
Sometimes people can be just senseless in what they do, there was no reason to destroy a city because of the mistreatment of one person. And during the riots in Minneapolis resulted in at least one shooting death, while a man tried to rob a pawn shop. What happened to George Floyd was very wrong but for this to be the answer to it is horrible. Like somebody said in the article I found for this, I support the protest but not the looting. Stores were burned down and looted, that didn't need to happen. It's no surprise that a person I don't like very much, Colin Kaepernick, that idiot, saying that the looting and rioting is justified. That man is a real idiot. Here is an article about the riots;
So the Snyder cut of Justice League is coming next year on HBO Max, I'm pretty pumped for it. The Justice League movie we got was not as terrible as a lot of people like to think it is, I enjoyed it but I didn't think it was the best thing I had ever seen before. It was a decent movie that entertained me, it did have a few flaws but most movies have flaws. I watched a pretty good video on the Snyder cut from Mr. Sunday Movies on Youtube and they bring up some interesting points. The biggest one is that Snyder will leave things open ended enough to mean that a sequel will need to be made and released by HBO Max. I think that would be really cool. Anyway, here is that video;
Of course there will be a second wave of infections to hit the country. Did anyone really not think there would not be a second wave? Most everyone assumes that there will be some sort of second wave, we just don't know what it will look like or when it'll happen. Even after things have calmed down with this virus there will be a new virus in a few years, it'll probably be the Alligator virus or something like that. I just threw out the first thing I think of at that time. Here is an article on it;
That's all for me tonight. I really hope all of you have a great night or day, take care!