Dropping Stuff, Everything Coming in MCU, What Happens Next, Clown News Network
Hey everybody, hope the middle of your week is going great! So my day was pretty boring, as usual, during this time. So I didn't do much but at least the weather was a little better today, the high being over 60. Hopefully that cold front is gone for good and it won't get that low again until October or so, I'm ready for warmer weather. Did something kinda dumb earlier, I went to the pharmacy and when I put my chair up in the van I didn't lock the wheel and when I got home I opened the door and my chair tumbled out and spilled everything out of it. I'm not the easiest on my wheelchair but hopefully this one last until February when I get a new one. Also want to let everyone know, that last Facebook update is such a cracker jack operation that I can't do things like post my blog on my page so I'm a little upset at it. So, let me get into it!
MCU Day! There are a lot of projects on the docket for the MCU for Phase 4 and Phase 5 and I have a list of those projects. Some of these have dates but some do not, there are two movies that do not have titles that have a date for theatrical release. The one that's scheduled to come out I really want to see is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there is so much potential for that movie about what it could set up for later on. I think the writer of the article is right about the X-Men not showing up for a little while, I think the Fantastic Four will be released a ways before X-Men. Here is that article; https://www.sbnation.com/2020/5/8/21251882/marvel-phase-4-5-mcu-movies-tv-shows
One of the biggest challenges America faces during this pandemic is when and how to continue education, should students be allowed to go back to school or are we still doing it all online. If they do want students to do their work online for the fall semester then places of higher learning are put into a really hard spot because it will be very hard to justify those high tuition costs. Since a big reason for choosing one college over the other is the experience there such as sports, clubs or professors. It'll be interesting to see what happens here. I think they should open up in person classes for colleges and some K-12 schools but I don't have any authority. Here is an article on this; https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/13/why-its-ridiculous-to-keep-students-home-from-school-this-fall/
Don't have much to say about this topic, just think it's stupid. One person I think is very annoying is that Greta Thunberg, I have a lot of reasons for this but I'm not going to say what they all are. Since she is a darling among the liberals then she gets a cushy spot on the CNN coronavirus panel, even though she doesn't have any business there. Oh well, CNN hasn't been a real news agency for a long time anyway. Here is an article; https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cnn-draws-criticism-confusion-adding-221930117.html
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a fantastic day or night, take care and stay safe!
MCU Day! There are a lot of projects on the docket for the MCU for Phase 4 and Phase 5 and I have a list of those projects. Some of these have dates but some do not, there are two movies that do not have titles that have a date for theatrical release. The one that's scheduled to come out I really want to see is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, there is so much potential for that movie about what it could set up for later on. I think the writer of the article is right about the X-Men not showing up for a little while, I think the Fantastic Four will be released a ways before X-Men. Here is that article; https://www.sbnation.com/2020/5/8/21251882/marvel-phase-4-5-mcu-movies-tv-shows
One of the biggest challenges America faces during this pandemic is when and how to continue education, should students be allowed to go back to school or are we still doing it all online. If they do want students to do their work online for the fall semester then places of higher learning are put into a really hard spot because it will be very hard to justify those high tuition costs. Since a big reason for choosing one college over the other is the experience there such as sports, clubs or professors. It'll be interesting to see what happens here. I think they should open up in person classes for colleges and some K-12 schools but I don't have any authority. Here is an article on this; https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/13/why-its-ridiculous-to-keep-students-home-from-school-this-fall/
Don't have much to say about this topic, just think it's stupid. One person I think is very annoying is that Greta Thunberg, I have a lot of reasons for this but I'm not going to say what they all are. Since she is a darling among the liberals then she gets a cushy spot on the CNN coronavirus panel, even though she doesn't have any business there. Oh well, CNN hasn't been a real news agency for a long time anyway. Here is an article; https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/cnn-draws-criticism-confusion-adding-221930117.html
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really do hope that all of you have a fantastic day or night, take care and stay safe!