Sleepy Day, Kent State Massacre, Crazy Baby Names, Lunar Mining Now, Shortages of Beef
Hey there everyone, I hope things are going great for you all! Well, my day has been alright, really tired though. I woke up at 4 to take a friend in for his surgery at the hospital and I wasn't able to fall asleep when I got home even though I took a sleeping pill. That happens from time to time. Didn't do too much today, did a lot of pushing around since it was so nice. It didn't look nice this morning, I thought it was going to rain all day but turned out to be a really nice day. So, let me get into it!
History Day! This will be a post about something that has happened in many peoples lifetimes that are alive today, the Kent State Protester Shootings and how President Nixon handled things. Most people remember President Nixon for what he was, a man who resigned the presidency, the first and so far only person to do so. But after the shooting at Kent State on May 1st, 1970, Nixon was seen in a better light than before the shootings as he had gone to talk to some student protesters to assuage their fears of him. Sometime after the shooting there was a poll conducted and 58% of people polled believed the students were more at fault for the shooting and only 11% blamed the National Guard, so it seems that tides were turning in his favor. Maybe President Nixon wasn't the big boogeyman they thought him to be, only a little while later did he get found out though. At least he was riding high for awhile. Here is that story;
Here is a short one, Elon Musk can be a strange guy, especially if he did give his kid this very weird name that's in the article I'll share here. I'm sure this isn't the child's real name but some kind of clue to the real one. I would write down the name he Tweeted out but I don't have the right keys for that one. So tired of these celebrities giving their kids weird names like Apple, just crazy. Here is that article and see if you can pronounce it;
I have already talked about asteroid mining, now the U.S. government is wanting to mine the moon, but I thought they couldn't do that because of the Outer Space Treaty from 1979. I'm not an expert though. Recently President Trump signed an executive order for moon and asteroid mining, paving the way for a whole lot of money. We should be able to do this though since we are the only nation that has landed on the moon. Maybe not, who really knows. The United Nations won't be able to do anything about it, because if they do we will just drop out of there and they will be up the creek without a paddle. That's a whole other thing though. Here is an article on this;
If you are a fan of Wendy's then you might be out of luck when you want to order a burger. The chain is seeing meat shortages in some areas so this isn't affecting all stores in the country but it is alarming that our meat supply is getting low. Reason why this isn't happening to places like McDonalds and Burger King is that they get their meat our of country and then ship them here, places like Australia. So it is only beef from America that is being affected. Hope this doesn't last too long. Here is that article;
That's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!
History Day! This will be a post about something that has happened in many peoples lifetimes that are alive today, the Kent State Protester Shootings and how President Nixon handled things. Most people remember President Nixon for what he was, a man who resigned the presidency, the first and so far only person to do so. But after the shooting at Kent State on May 1st, 1970, Nixon was seen in a better light than before the shootings as he had gone to talk to some student protesters to assuage their fears of him. Sometime after the shooting there was a poll conducted and 58% of people polled believed the students were more at fault for the shooting and only 11% blamed the National Guard, so it seems that tides were turning in his favor. Maybe President Nixon wasn't the big boogeyman they thought him to be, only a little while later did he get found out though. At least he was riding high for awhile. Here is that story;
Here is a short one, Elon Musk can be a strange guy, especially if he did give his kid this very weird name that's in the article I'll share here. I'm sure this isn't the child's real name but some kind of clue to the real one. I would write down the name he Tweeted out but I don't have the right keys for that one. So tired of these celebrities giving their kids weird names like Apple, just crazy. Here is that article and see if you can pronounce it;
I have already talked about asteroid mining, now the U.S. government is wanting to mine the moon, but I thought they couldn't do that because of the Outer Space Treaty from 1979. I'm not an expert though. Recently President Trump signed an executive order for moon and asteroid mining, paving the way for a whole lot of money. We should be able to do this though since we are the only nation that has landed on the moon. Maybe not, who really knows. The United Nations won't be able to do anything about it, because if they do we will just drop out of there and they will be up the creek without a paddle. That's a whole other thing though. Here is an article on this;
If you are a fan of Wendy's then you might be out of luck when you want to order a burger. The chain is seeing meat shortages in some areas so this isn't affecting all stores in the country but it is alarming that our meat supply is getting low. Reason why this isn't happening to places like McDonalds and Burger King is that they get their meat our of country and then ship them here, places like Australia. So it is only beef from America that is being affected. Hope this doesn't last too long. Here is that article;
That's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great night or day, take care and stay safe!