Damn Commies, Fun Stories, Can't Stay Out of His Own Way, Another Arrest, Weird Groups, Possible Help is on the Way

Hey all, I hope your week is ending just how you want!  So my day was boring as usual, typical as of late but I'm at least still around.  I thought I lived in a free country but I was unable to go into Goodwill because I did not have a mask on, I know that stores can have their own rules but the way that they turned me away was not right.  They won't have to worry about having any of my business for a long time, sure they don't care anyway, just thought it was a horrible thing.  That mask will only help those that have symptoms to keep them from spreading the virus, won't stop you from actually getting it.  I'm against wearing a mask unless they pass a law saying I have to wear one, I'll still bitch about it but since I am a law abiding citizen I will follow the law.  So anyway, let me get into it!

Wrestling Day!  My thing to do with wrestling on here is to talk about crazy stories, you can find these anywhere on the internet and they usually give me a good chuckle.  Kinda sucks because I know that in 10 years or so the stories from the time we are in now will not be quite the same as the ones from the 80's and 90's.  Just the way things are as wrestlers do not party as much as the used to, it's only natural.  One of my favorite old time wrestlers is Terry Funk, I cannot believe that man is still alive after all he has been through.  Him and Ric Flair had some fantastic matches back in the day but one day they were taking the day off and somebody had ticked Funk off and he started chasing them around with a knife.  It wasn't Flair but instead his dog, who had nipped at Funk in the nose while playing.  Luckily dogs are faster than humans otherwise I would have hated to be that dog is Funk caught up to him.  Here is one with a happy ending, one day Scott Steiner and Steve Williams were driving to the next town when they spotted a car on fire on the side of the road.  Both men jumped out and started helping before anyone else got there.  Guess not much press about the story at the time but I think it would have been great to see in the newspaper.  Here is a list of some other wrestling stories from WhatCulture; https://whatculture.com/wwe/10-unbelievable-wrestling-road-stories-that-actually-happened?page=2

This is a story that popped up on my phone and then I looked it up on my computer and I've been laughing about it ever since because a day doesn't go by where Biden doesn't stick his foot in his mouth.  I will add the article and you can judge for yourself, you can even go listen to the interview, I'm sure you can find it all over the internet.  He said, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black".  Plus he said this on a nationally syndicated black run radio show out of New York.  They are still keeping Biden in the basement of his house because they are afraid that if he gets out in front of people then the dementia will be clear as day and everyone will see that he is not fit to run for any office in America, let alone the presidency.  I wouldn't trust Biden with car keys at this point, the man is messed up and needs to get help.  I am laughing at him but also hoping that someone will notice the signs close to him to get him the help he needs, you can't keep doing this.  I would say that this is elder abuse by the people telling him to run against President Trump and he needs to drop out and visit a hospital.  That's all I have to say on that, here is that article; https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/22/joe-biden-breakfast-club-interview-274490

I have not followed this story all that close because when you turn on the news all they want to do is talk about this virus and nothing else but I have been paying attention to it from afar.  They have now arrested the man that shot the video of the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery down in Georgia.  He is being charged with felony murder and attempt of false imprisonment.  From the facts I have read I think this is justified, not sure what you all think.  Here is the article; https://www.yahoo.com/gma/man-filmed-shooting-ahmaud-arbery-charged-murder-221800183--abc-news-topstories.html

Cults are always very interesting to read about.  Most people know about the Peoples Temple run by Jim Jones, who had started out as a Marxist who wanted to infiltrate the church, or religion as general.  That was a terrible example of a cult, I found a list of 10 cults that are related to UFO's or really crazy stuff from Listverse.  A lot of these I had never heard of and thought it would be fun to add here for all of you to read also.  The name of the number one on this list is probably my favorite in the list, The Cosmic Circle of Fellowship.  Most if not all of these have a small basis in some form of organized religion, which is scary how some people can pervert the words of the Bible.  Not saying that I am a great judge of how the Bible should be taken but they do put their own spin on the words of God.  Also not saying that the myriad of people that have rewritten the Bible over the centuries, because it is possible that people put their own thoughts into the work.  Enough about that, here is that list; https://listverse.com/2014/06/10/10-incredibly-insane-ufo-religions/?utm_source=more&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=direct

Looks like a vaccine might be ready before the so called experts thought, maybe by the end of this year.  It is a vaccine that is being worked on by Moderna, a company I had talked about before.  So far it has been looking very promising in early tests.  So there might be a vaccine for the virus a year after coronavirus being identified, which is extremely fast but much needed.  I don't want to talk about this too much but we have been studying coronavirus since 1965 so I think there should have been safeguards put into place a long time ago but let's not focus on the past here.  Anyway, here is that article about the possible vaccine; https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/22/moderna-vaccine-researcher-it-mind-boggling-to-be-done-in-2020.html

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really do hope that all of you have a fabulous weekend, take care and stay safe!


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