Quick Saturday Post, Another Famous Person Comes Down with GBS, Take Them all Out, Another Dumb california Law

Hey there guys, quick Saturday post here.  I just ran across an article of another famous person coming down with GBS, his name is J.P. Rosenbaum.  It sounds like the progression was pretty quick with him also as he first went into the hospital in early December.  I am not glad or anything that these more famous people have gotten GBS but I do like that it is now coming out in the news and people are hearing about it.  Even though none of these famous people have had it as bad as I had it, I'm glad the story is getting out there.  It gives people more information on things they didn't really know about before, that's one of the greatest things about the internet is the spread of knowledge to all corners of the world.  Now I have to say this but a lot of you have heard me talk about it before but a side effect of a flu shot is GBS.  It's rare but it can happen, just keep that in mind.  I don't know how J.P.. had contracted it but that's one of the things that can come up.  I will try to reach out to this man to see if he would like to talk.  Here is that article; https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/j-p-rosenbaum-slowly-getting-162024647.htm

Another channel I like to watch on Youtube is called The Infographics Show, they just give you a lot of facts normally about something so you can make up your own minds.  They do a series of videos comparing militaries of various nations.  America is featured a lot on here going up against a lot of other countries but this video I'll add talks about The United States going up against the rest of the world and what that could look like.  This would probably make a good alternate history book or another video.  It talks about how strong the U.S. military is and how it would be hard to stop us, starting with shutting down the worlds oil supply in the Middle East, which with our air power would not take a very long time.  Next we would go after China, who might have a few small victories early on but we would wear them down pretty quick.  It's a good video, here it is; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y1e_ASbSIE

Here goes california ruining it for everybody else, like usual.  This new law they passed called AB5 affects the gig economy in a lot of bad ways.  One of the worst to be affected are freelance writers for sites like SB Nation, a sports site, where they had to layoff most all of their freelancer writers because they don't want to treat them like regular empolyees, which is what this law is trying to do.  Same things with Lyft and Uber drivers as well as drivers for those food delivery services.  Like I said before, Uber was never meant to be a full time job but something you can do to make a little extra cash.  If you want a job where you drive people around then apply with a taxi company because with Uber and Lyft you are using your own vehicle so you got to think about not only gas, oil, tires and all the other little parts and fluids your car takes.  I think this is going to go to the supreme court where I think the law would be shot down, hopefully.  And hopefully no other states try to take this up.  Here is an article on this; https://www.npr.org/2020/01/04/793142903/as-california-tries-to-make-contract-workers-employees-industries-push-back

Well, that's all with my special Saturday post.  I hope you all have a great rest of the weekend, take care!


Anonymous said…
Why don't you tweeter or what ever it is this person who had GBS and just start up talking about all you went though? Did you hear about this one town in California that gave $500 dollars to just see what they would do with it !!! Stuipd..

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