Changes Coming, Lights in the Sky, How Did it Fall Down?
Hey there all, I hope your day is wonderful! My day was good, mostly but that's because my teeth were terrible today and I used about half of a tube of Orajel trying to deaden that pain. But it seems to have gotten better towards the end of the day. I wasn't able to get ahold of that dentist over in O'Fallon to get in for my first appointment. Hopefully we can get things set up soon. I had been getting some good work done on my book lately but didn't do any today but hope to this weekend cause they are calling for snow and possible ice on Saturday so I'll more than likely be staying home most of the weekend. I'm probably going to be looking into how to get it published some this weekend. I'm still leaning more towards self publishing with Amazon and KDP. But I just need to get more info on it. Also, I'm thinking about doing something a little different, a vlog. That's the best I can call it now but I'm thinking of doing something different to freshen things up. Maybe I'll do that and be successful or not, but I've gotta try. Biggest risk in life is not taking one. So, let get into it!
Conspiracy Day! This story makes me think back to the 90's when the UFO conspiracy was in full blown mode and everyone was seeing a UFO. If I remember right, there was a story of a blind man claiming to have seen a UFO, that it had restored his sight just long enough to see it before it had vanished. I'm talking about those drone sightings out in Nebraska and Colorado. Just so you know it isn't just people seeing these out in the sticks there was one person who said he had seen them in Denver. So what are these people seeing, it is very possible that there is a concerted group of people out there that are flying these drones around to just mess with people, but why do it in a very rural place like northeast Colorado and southwest Nebraska, not a whole lot of people that live out in those areas. One person came out to say what people may have seen are those Starlink satellites that were launched in mid December. They did launch about 60 of them and they supposedly would look like drones but why was it only reported in this one area and not others. If it is those satellites then wouldn't people in other parts of the country be able to see them? I don't have any idea what it could be to be totally honest with you and I usually do come up with something. Maybe it is aliens, I don't have a clue. Here is an article on this;
It seems as if another country is out for Iran and it's not one that you would normally suspect, Canada. They are always so nice but they are saying that Iran shot down a plane that had over 60 people from Canada on it. It's something I wouldn't put past Iran from doing but I have to ask, why do this? Iran doesn't want to get into a war with a Commonwealth country because then you have the United Kingdom in it along with other countries and plus America would probably stand up for out hat, Canada. If Iran really did shoot down that plane then there will be a whole hell of a lot of pissed countries coming after it, not just Canada. The plane was a Ukranian one so I'm sure that country isn't too pleased along with whoever else was travelling on that plane. If it is true that Iran did down that plane then that is an unfortunate thing to happen to them but they would have brought this on themselves. I guess the black boxes have now been recovered by the Iranians but they said that they were damaged. I am sure they will figure a way out to destroy those if they did launch a shot at the plane. We will find out more soon enough I'm sure, here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me, I'm extremely tired. I will be back tomorrow to write some more. I really hope that everyone of you reading this has a great night or day, take care!
Conspiracy Day! This story makes me think back to the 90's when the UFO conspiracy was in full blown mode and everyone was seeing a UFO. If I remember right, there was a story of a blind man claiming to have seen a UFO, that it had restored his sight just long enough to see it before it had vanished. I'm talking about those drone sightings out in Nebraska and Colorado. Just so you know it isn't just people seeing these out in the sticks there was one person who said he had seen them in Denver. So what are these people seeing, it is very possible that there is a concerted group of people out there that are flying these drones around to just mess with people, but why do it in a very rural place like northeast Colorado and southwest Nebraska, not a whole lot of people that live out in those areas. One person came out to say what people may have seen are those Starlink satellites that were launched in mid December. They did launch about 60 of them and they supposedly would look like drones but why was it only reported in this one area and not others. If it is those satellites then wouldn't people in other parts of the country be able to see them? I don't have any idea what it could be to be totally honest with you and I usually do come up with something. Maybe it is aliens, I don't have a clue. Here is an article on this;
It seems as if another country is out for Iran and it's not one that you would normally suspect, Canada. They are always so nice but they are saying that Iran shot down a plane that had over 60 people from Canada on it. It's something I wouldn't put past Iran from doing but I have to ask, why do this? Iran doesn't want to get into a war with a Commonwealth country because then you have the United Kingdom in it along with other countries and plus America would probably stand up for out hat, Canada. If Iran really did shoot down that plane then there will be a whole hell of a lot of pissed countries coming after it, not just Canada. The plane was a Ukranian one so I'm sure that country isn't too pleased along with whoever else was travelling on that plane. If it is true that Iran did down that plane then that is an unfortunate thing to happen to them but they would have brought this on themselves. I guess the black boxes have now been recovered by the Iranians but they said that they were damaged. I am sure they will figure a way out to destroy those if they did launch a shot at the plane. We will find out more soon enough I'm sure, here is an article on this;
Well, that's all for me, I'm extremely tired. I will be back tomorrow to write some more. I really hope that everyone of you reading this has a great night or day, take care!