No Laptop, Murder All The Way
Hey there all, I hope you are doing great! Well, it seems that when it rains, it pours for me with a few tornadoes and lightning. Earlier my hard drive decided to crap on me, so I'm without a laptop for a little while. I am now writing on my phone and I'm not a big fan of this. So I won't be writing as much as normal. Plus, I have to figure out how to link articles as well. So, let me get to it!
Conspiracy Day! The biggest conspiracy nowadays has to be about Jeffrey Epstein and his supposed suicide. Now I have made my feelings clear on this and I think that he was murdered by someone. Who could have done it, I have no clue or even who could have ordered it. Someone knows and it would be really tough to keep this secret. An old saying goes that the only way for three people to keep a serious secret is for two of them to be dead. This article I pulled up brought up a few good points that other people said, one of those said, who had the most to gain from keeping Epstein quite? That's a good point, a lot of powerful people knew this man and many could be hurt by what he could have said. Too bad he died because his testimony could have been very juicy. The article I read was on Politico.
Well, that's it tonight. I'll be back tomorrow with more. I hope you all have a great night or day, take care!