Good Day, Alternate History Talk, Socialized Medicine, Police Shooting

Hey there everyone, I hope the end of the week is going great! My day was good but it has so far seemed to fly by, which is not such a bad thing.  It's hard to believe, for me at least, that the month is already half-way over.  Seems like it has flown by, for whatever reason.  I made it to the gym today and worked on my chest and back with a little bit of shoulder stuff along the way.  Not sure what I will do tomorrow, maybe I will do a full arm workout.  Something I like to do a few times a week that works all muscle groups in my arms from my forearms to my traps.  I know, the traps are not technically part of the arm but it's all connected so it's alright.  Then I finally got a nap and it was really good, hadn't gotten a nap in the day for awhile.  So, let me get to it!

Alternate History Day! As I have said before, when I will write alternate history, I will try to focus on parts of history that are not as known.  I am not going to write about 'What if the South Won the Civil War' or 'What if the Nazis Won WWII' because those have been written about so much and there is nothing new I could bring to those two stories, you know, unless I introduced aliens but I don't really want to do that.  I would rather focus on more obscure times of history.  Like what would the world look like now if the Vikings had settled in North America, around Newfoundland in Canada.  They came over almost 500 years before Columbus decided to set sail.  If the Europeans ever listened to the Norsemen then they would know about the land to the west.  When Columbus decided to sail out west he didn't even come close to the area that the Vikings landed at but accidentally found the Caribbean islands.  Another one I would like to talk about is what if the Mongol Empire was still around, at least until WWII.  Or what if the Mongols had conquered Japan and not been blown off course by two different typhoons.  It is not hard to think about the Mongol Empire lasting for hundreds of years, only if they were better at administration and state building then they would have lasted a lot longer.  So looking at empires lasting longer than they did is something I might try to look into for alternate history.  So, this will be fun for me to see if it's any good.

Socialized medicine is something that the democrats are happy to push on us here in America, thinking it is the thing that will save the country.  I don't think the realize the whole story and this one I found is a very powerful story.  I think I have said before that I agree with assisted suicide for those that want to die instead of living because of the pain that living causes on that person.  So I am against what Canada did to this man who was diagnosed with ALS, they decided that it would be more cost effective to help him die than it would to keep him alive, so the inherent problem with socialized medicine is that it will go with the lowest common denominator, or the lowest cost option, which is not always the right option.  So this man left his 11 year old son early because the state decided it was cheaper to kill him than it was to keep him alive.  This is a big reason why I do not want to have that kind of medical care in this country.  This may be a more extreme example of how socialized medicine works but it is an example of what we could be looking forward to if we are to get that kind of medical care, not healthcare.  Here is that article, it is pretty tough;

So there was a video of a black teen being shot by a police officer in Colorado Springs.  In the video the police are stopping two black teens while walking and were about to search them when one starts running, the officer who is running after him yells to stop three times before firing his weapon and hitting the teen.  The officers approach the black teen on the ground and that is when they discover he has a gun, the officer said he thought the teen was going for a gun when he opened fire.  So I think that this is a justified police shooting as the teen that was running away had a weapon on him so it was possible that he was going to pull that weapon and fire at officers.  I hate that there are people all over the country saying what they would have done in that situation because it wasn't them, it was that officer that was in the situation.  First off, this teen should not have had a gun on him and if he was searched they would have found it, he would have been arrested but it wouldn't have been the end of the world for that young man.  I think the officer was justified in doing what he did in that scenario, I am not sure what the parents of the teen are going to be suing the department for.  This one will take a few months before we get any more word on it but until then, does anyone want to debate me on my stance?  If you do then I will be glad to talk with you, just leave a message on here or Facebook or Twitter.  Here is an article on this;

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I really hope that you all have a great weekend, take care!


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