Good Day, What Comes Next, Senseless Acts, No News, Too Expensive

Hey everyone, hope your week is starting out great!  My day is going alright, got a few bumps from a fall I had last night but it's going good.  I was transferring to the toilet last night and both my knees felt weak and gave out on me.  I had fallen down on my left hip, right on that hip bone that's towards the back so I have a good bruise on that bone and it hurts even while I am sitting in my gel cushion but I can stand up and everything just fine.  I got some bad news this morning, I did not get that job at MidwayUSA, that's alright and I just have to keep looking, can't let anything hold me down.  I applied to six jobs today on Indeed and might do some more job searching later on.  One job I wouldn't mind was a library associate, I just call it a job for a library person.  That would be an ok job for me as I like books, I like to read and research so I could potentially help someone if they are trying to look up something certain.  So anyway, time to get into it!

Star Wars Day!  Episode IX doesn't come out for a little while but people are already staring to talk about what is going to come after the Skywalker saga ends.  So according to what info I have now, the Skywalker name and his descendants are going to be done with with the completion of this movie, I think, so what comes next?  The article I pulled up from Cinemablend has a cool piece in it that suggest Rey might start calling these new force sensitives Skywalkers, I think that would be great and it's something I brainstormed before because I didn't think the Jedi name would last through these movies.  So what will be the new threat?  The emporer might be done away with by the end of Episode IX so who or what could take his place as the big bad?  I still think, as I have wrote about before, that the Yuuzhan Vong from the Outer Regions of the galaxy could be a great fit for this role but it seems to me that they are replacing them with the Grysk.  I am not positive that the Vong are being replaced here but the Grysk are very similar to the Vong.  The Yuuzhan Vong are characters from the Legends stories so they may be going away.  Either way, I think they would be a great foil for our heroes.  Also, in this next movie they need to set up another force sensitive alongside Rey, to be like a second in command sort of thing.  That way there is someone else besides Rey to follow through the new movies.  We all know that Disney is going to make more movies, they didn't spend $4 billion to only make a handful of movies but they are going to take a hiatus after Episode IX and it will be back within a few years.  That doesn't mean that there won't be anthology films released in that time, I mean Disney does like to make money and Star Wars fans will watch whatever they decide to put out.  I think an Obi Wan-Kenobi movie could be made, it is rumored for a December 2020 release.  I would love to see something about the life of Yoda, a good movie could be made of his life and hopefully while they are taking a break from the saga movies they can think about this.  Here is the article where I found this talk at;

The two recent mass shootings are terrible and I hate to see things like this happening in my beloved country but I am sick and tired of people making things political around human suffering.  This may be my conservative views coming out but it is mostly democrats that bring the politics up first and call for gun control.  As I have said before, you can stop all retail sales of guns but they will still end up in the hands of criminals and then no good guys have weapons, only the criminals.  If someone wants a gun bad enough to do something bad then they can go buy that from any gun runner, they aren't really that hard to find, you just have to know the right people to talk to.  These people that cause these shootings are troubled, they have bad mental problems that need to be addressed  Banning firearms would lead to another civil war but this one would be a lot worse than the one we had back in the 1860's.  It would get sparked off if the government would try to come into our homes to take away our guns.  So I think that the left and democrats understand this and just say these things to rile up their base, they wouldn't really go through with it.  Most of the right would not even vote on it, thinking it's a non-starter.  But I hope that something is done about it soon.  Also, name calling is not going to help anything here so let's quite calling President Trump a white nationalist, he is not one anyway and lets move forward without the hate but that is one of the bullets in the gun of hate that democrats have for this president.  Here is an article and video on this issue;

Another thing about those two shooting that happened in Dayton and El Paso, why are those getting so much media coverage and the shootings in Chicago or St. Louis go unreported, at least nationally?  Chicago, St. Louis and Baltimore have shootings like they had in El Paso and Dayton almost every weekend but those are never talked about on a national stage.  Could it be because it is all part of the plan?  That's a little conspiracy theorist of me to say, just something that popped into my head.  Is it because most of the shootings in Chicago, St. Louis and Baltimore are black on black crime or more gang activity?  So these twisted people that want to carry out these mass shootings know not to go do that in one of those three cities because they will not get any coverage nationally.  We need to do something to limit the shootings in those cities just as much as we need to limit the ones in El Paso and Dayton. 

Here is an article I found that talks about the most expensive cities to live in, according to how much it costs to live there.  Not a big surprise that New York, mainly Manhattan, is number one with San Francisco trailing right behind.  You couldn't get me to even visit one of those two cities, unless you paid me for it.  There is nothing there that would interest me in the slightest.  They said that the average rent in Manhattan is over $3,000 a month for a one bedroom.  That is just crazy, that's five times what I am paying, roughly, for a one bedroom.  How can people afford to live there.  I know from what I have heard that there is an exodus of people moving out of the state of New York and california.  Come here to Missouri, we'd be glad to have you.  The cost of living is not too bad, especially compared to what you were paying.  Here is that article;

Well, that's all for me tonight.  I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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