Fine Day, It's Smoky, No More Nice Guy

Hey there everyone, I hope things are going great today!  My day has been pretty good, I watched the boys for a little bit again today and they were alright.  I am going to start watching them on a more regular basis, to be able to help out.  I will be getting paid to do it, not doing it just cause I'm nice.  Not sure if it will be early in the day or later, we will figure that out at a later point.  I made it to the gym but I went a little bit later than normal, around 2 instead of around 11.  Not sure if I will go tomorrow, might take the day off so I can rest up my back which has been hurting a little more than normal.  I guess it's good that I see my pain doc on Thursday in his office instead of the phone call meeting, which didn't work too great last time.  Might try that again at another time, just wanted to be able to see him this time since we might be changing some things up.  Well, time to get into it!

History Day!  Do you remember Smoky the Bear?  If you are close to my age then you probably do remember him but do you know how he came about.  The campaign of Smoky started up because of WWII.  The authorities were afraid of the Japanese starting forest fires and an invasion.  There was an attempt by the Japanese to hurt the American people, by launching about 9,000 balloons that were carried by the western winds to the United States.  Not much damage was done by those balloons but the last impact of that time was Smoky the Bear.  Here is an article about the famous bear;

Something big has happened in the world of Disney and Sony playing together.  Apparently Sony thinks it can go forward with the Spider-Man movies without Kevin Feige, the man who has produced the first two Spidey films and helped to make Spider-Man: Far From Home the highest grossing Sony movie of all time.  I think this is a stupid move by Sony but it seems that Sony thinks Disney is asking for too much from Spider-Man.  Sony cannot make a good movie, what do they have really without Disney's help?  The have the James Bond universe, Men in Black; both of those are no longer bankable as they once were.  The only thing that made Men in Black money was Will Smith, they should have had him make a cameo in the most recent movie, it may have done a little better.  So I think if Sony keeps this up and doesn't play well with Disney then there will be a lot of MCU fans that will not go to the theater to watch any Sony only Spider-Man movie, they will lose money and fans.  Disney will not lose anything, I think they will continue to do very well.  Here is the article where I found this;

Well, that's it for me tonight.  I hope all of you have a great day or night, take care!


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