Sunny Day, Sino Origin, 20 Angry People
Hey there all, I hope the end of the week is great for you! Sorry I didn't write last night, I was just wore out and didn't feel I could write anything good but I am here now. So my day, it has gone alright but I think I got way too much sun today. I was at the pool with my friend and her kids and I shouldn't have been out there that long because I feel like crap right now. I have thrown up really bad twice but both times were because I took too big of a drink of water or juice and it just came right back out. Luckily I didn't have any accident and made it to the restroom in time. As I said before, I love the heat but like with most things it is good in moderation and I didn't practice that today. Air conditioning is great and one of the greatest feats of human inventions. That was pretty much all I did today and didn't make the gym today, I will get there tomorrow and do a lot this weekend. So, let me get to it!
I have always wondered why China is referred as Sino in different things such as the Sino-Indian War. First, the name China comes from Qin, which in English is pronounced as Chin. At least that is the prevailing theory anyway and I think it sounds good. The Qin was the first dynasty of what we refer to as China, so it makes sense that it takes it's name from their first ruling dynasty. I looked on the internet to find info about why China is sometimes referred to as Sino but it was not easy finding any real answers. Mostly what I found was that the ancient Greeks had called them that since they didn't have anything in the Latin language to use for China or Qin. Sometimes I get these little questions in my head and I have to try to figure it out. It may not be the best explanation but it works for me. Here is an article that explains some of it;
Over the last two days there were debates for all, or at least most, of the democratic candidates and both of them were a train wreck, at least in my opinion. They took 20 of the candidates and split them up with 10 one night and 10 the next. The article I looked at for writing this story has a sub headline that I think sums it all up for the democrats, "Out of Step with Mainstream Americans", that seems to be what every one of the candidates are. They bring up issues that are not on top of the average Americans mind too much. They are fighting over what Joe Biden did back when he first got into Congress over 40 years ago, that is not relevant today because he has switched his positions so many times in those 40 years that it is too hard to keep track of what he does support. People are not worried about that, we want someone who is going to fight for us and patch up the problems in this country, not someone who is just out to take down a fellow candidate. I did not watch the debates live or anything but watched highlights on the news and one of the biggest things that got me kinda upset is that everyone was referring to America as a democracy, I think they are thinking this will help them since their name is democrats but people are a lot smarter than that. Another reason why I don't like democrats is that they think an average American is too stupid to do anything for themselves and that the government is there to provide and that isn't the case at all. Plus, America is not a democracy, democracy literally means 'by the people', that means that the people make the laws and all the other decisions, America is a constitutional representative republic where we elect people that are supposed to carry out the wishes of the people but that doesn't work since most politicians are corrupt. So anyway, here is that article so you can make up your own mind;
Well, that's all for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great weekend, take care!