Good Day, The Emperor is Back, Iran Trouble Again,
Hey there everyone, I hope you are great! My day is going alright today, just wish the weather was a little better today. It has been an overcast and rainy day, it's been raining on and off most of the day. I was hoping to get out and push a lot today, maybe I can tomorrow as long as the weather is a little better. I need to do something as it seems that my belly has gotten a little bigger as of late and think I can cut down on that if I do some more cardio. I did use the cyclometer yesterday at the gym and did one mile in 6:51, that was really good as I wasn't even trying to go that fast. Able body runners try hard for a 7 minute mile and not all of them can achieve that so why can someone go faster than that while using smaller muscle groups? Just one of those questions that is on the top of my head a lot of times. I made it to the gym again today and had a good back and shoulder workout and plan to hit it up tomorrow. Well, let me go on and get to it!
Star Wars Day! Since the trailer came out for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, we have all been talking about hearing Palpatine laughing very menacing and wondering what that means. Is he showing up, didn't he die at the end of Episode VI, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi? It did seem like he died, falling down a seemingly endless shaft and then the second Death Star was destroyed by Lando and some of the other X-Wing fighters. But if he really didn't fully die at the end of that movie, that is over 30 years in the movie universe, where was he? So many questions all Star Wars nerds have about this. A new theory is out there on Reddit, I don't personally go there but find this stuff out from third-party sources. It has been in canon before that only light side users can come back as force ghosts but dark siders are able to imbue their power in an object, many times this was done with something like a mask or similar objects. The theory says that Palpatine has been imbued into another person, more likely a Knight of Ren, and that makes a good amount of sense. That could be why we see Kylo taking down what looks like a Knight of Ren in the trailer. It is thought that Kylo and Rey are going to come together to take on the Emperor. This does sound very plausible and think this could be the role for Matt Smith. It makes me want to watch the movie a little more honestly. Here is that theory, where I seen it at;
Something is going to happen soon about this Iran situation, I think. I said a few days ago that I predicted back in college that there would be a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran before 2020 and now Saudi is pretty upset with Iran over the attacks on the tankers in the Gulf of Hormuz. There have been some new photos that show a little more detail over what happened. The Japanese company that owns the tankers says that something flew at them and exploded so we do not know what exactly happened. Plus, the United States are now sending more troops over to that area. Don't be surprised if something happens soon. Here is an article with the new photos;
Looks like President Donald Trump is keeping up with his word about withholding financial aid to Central American countries that most if not all of the illegal aliens are coming from that are trying to or already have gotten into the United States. I think we really need to rethink aid to all these countries around the world, not just in Central America. That money should be used in this country and not for other countries, especially ones that don't like us very much. That money would be better served on programs or really almost anything else in this country than elsewhere. Hope he does this for most if not all other countries, teach them to start living within their means. That is something America can do also. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!
Star Wars Day! Since the trailer came out for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, we have all been talking about hearing Palpatine laughing very menacing and wondering what that means. Is he showing up, didn't he die at the end of Episode VI, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi? It did seem like he died, falling down a seemingly endless shaft and then the second Death Star was destroyed by Lando and some of the other X-Wing fighters. But if he really didn't fully die at the end of that movie, that is over 30 years in the movie universe, where was he? So many questions all Star Wars nerds have about this. A new theory is out there on Reddit, I don't personally go there but find this stuff out from third-party sources. It has been in canon before that only light side users can come back as force ghosts but dark siders are able to imbue their power in an object, many times this was done with something like a mask or similar objects. The theory says that Palpatine has been imbued into another person, more likely a Knight of Ren, and that makes a good amount of sense. That could be why we see Kylo taking down what looks like a Knight of Ren in the trailer. It is thought that Kylo and Rey are going to come together to take on the Emperor. This does sound very plausible and think this could be the role for Matt Smith. It makes me want to watch the movie a little more honestly. Here is that theory, where I seen it at;
Something is going to happen soon about this Iran situation, I think. I said a few days ago that I predicted back in college that there would be a war between Saudi Arabia and Iran before 2020 and now Saudi is pretty upset with Iran over the attacks on the tankers in the Gulf of Hormuz. There have been some new photos that show a little more detail over what happened. The Japanese company that owns the tankers says that something flew at them and exploded so we do not know what exactly happened. Plus, the United States are now sending more troops over to that area. Don't be surprised if something happens soon. Here is an article with the new photos;
Looks like President Donald Trump is keeping up with his word about withholding financial aid to Central American countries that most if not all of the illegal aliens are coming from that are trying to or already have gotten into the United States. I think we really need to rethink aid to all these countries around the world, not just in Central America. That money should be used in this country and not for other countries, especially ones that don't like us very much. That money would be better served on programs or really almost anything else in this country than elsewhere. Hope he does this for most if not all other countries, teach them to start living within their means. That is something America can do also. Here is an article on this;
Well, that's it for me tonight. I really hope that all of you have a great day or night, take care!